Reviews for As Yet Untouched
Bobboky chapter 1 . 3/19/2009
achillies-eel chapter 1 . 11/10/2008
Somehow, it's easier to think about Wormtail's betrayel when you imagine that he didn't actually WANT to betray them; when you put it like this... -Shudders- It makes you wonder about your own friends...

Um, not to nitpick or anything, but I think you missed the fact that Sirius meets up with Hagrid before he runs after Peter... or was that intentional? -Shrugs- In the world of fanfiction... :)

And Harry; the poor, poor, foolish darling. Asking to dress as a wizard to your overly-freakish-in-their-own-right, beyond magic-hater relatives? Tsk tsk, Harry, and here I was, thinking you had a sense of self preservation. -Sighs- But I can't fault you for that; you were just a child, then.

Wonderfully done, yet again; onto the others I go. :D
ohtwo94 chapter 1 . 5/29/2008
omg . omg
the kid from colorado chapter 1 . 6/28/2007
Oh... that was sad... wonderfully written, beautifully insightful, and greatly entertaining in the different perspectives of each of the Marauders... but sad. Very good.
Metis chapter 1 . 10/25/2006
I don't usually like fics about the night James and Lily die, but yours is very good. You weave together a complex plot with ease, and your style draws the reader into the story. I was with Lily and James, Peter and Sirius, and Remus and Harry, and there are not many authors who can do that! Your fic makes me want to cry and laugh at the same time, but I think I will just settle for similing at a tale well told.

Keep writing, and I'm going to keep reading!
Phantomtears chapter 1 . 10/8/2006
-sobs hysterically- I-I cried so much! That was beautiful! The style brought it all together and-cries some more- you should write to get published!
Murgatroyd chapter 1 . 8/20/2006
Just one little problem. In your news report, you have them referring to Sirius as the Potters' secret keeper. However, it was established in PoA, in the very same scene where the situation was first revealed to the readers, that it was not common knowledge that the Potters had been under Fidelius, much less that Sirius had (supposedly) betrayed them. He was never infamous for treachery, but only for mass murder.

Other than that, an excellent fleshing out of the events of that night.
Sailor Sol chapter 1 . 8/20/2006
Aw, poor Harry, so jaded even at the age of 10. So sad!

I love how you depicted the Marauders. Especially Peter.

“Well? A-Are you going to t-tell him?”

Thin lips drew into a smirk. “No. You are.”

That so very much makes it seem like he was hoping Lucius would just tell Voldie, which of course wouldn't accomplish anything, since Peter was the Secret Keeper. Lovely. Very, very lovely. Definitely shows his reluctance.

Minor little things bothering me, which you may very well just be chalking up to minor AUness-

Point 1: Rodolphus was thrown in Azkaban with his wife, and that happened after the Potters were killed-they were questioning the Longbottoms for Voldemort's location.

Point 2: Hagrid pulled Harry out of the rubble of Godric's Hollow, and Sirius was there to argue with him, then pass off his motorbike.

Point 3: With Voldemort being "killed" at Godric's Hollow, I don't think anyone in their right mind would send up the Dark Mark. Unless they did it before hand, there wouldn't have been anyone to do it anyway, since all indications in canon seem to point to Voldemort going alone. It's something I see in a lot of stories in regards to Godric's Hollow, and it always bothers me.

Aside from that, it was a most wondrous story and I enjoyed it muchly. And poor Remus, too! Makes my heart break.

Anyway, keep up the lovely work. I can't wait to see more from you, both with the Elijah's Cup verse, Sunken Peril, and I'm still waiting for that sequel to Perditor ;-P.
trecebo chapter 1 . 8/19/2006
So, here I was...heading for sleepytime, giving the mail ONE LAST CHECK, ya know? And lo, and were in the inbox. I tried...for all of two minutes NOT to take a peek, but alas, tis like reverse kryptonite-very attractive stuff, your writing.

I enjoy HP so much with your spin on it and this was no exception. Nasty Peter *Le Mousie Mousen* pteui! I spit in his awful direction...