Reviews for The Biju Biju Fruit
Leaf Ranger chapter 363 . 7/24
Oh no, they'll be separated in here? That won't be good. I have a feeling things will get a lot worse.

Otherwise, great chapter, and very nice fights. That minotaur didn't stand a chance. XD
Power of Magic chapter 363 . 7/23
A good chapter, and I look forward to how things go in the next one
Monster King chapter 363 . 7/23
Gamelover41592 chapter 363 . 7/22
excellent and while I wished you kept the Buggy depressed joke it was still funny to see Buggy's reaction to the new adventures
StrongGuy159 chapter 363 . 7/22
Cool chapter continue please.
Yugioash chapter 363 . 7/22
Minotaur from greek mythology, and I had Naruto fight it twice in The Legacy series (crossover of Naruto and Percy Jackson for those who read this review and don't know what I'm talking about). FYI, and my readers would agree on this, but Rasengan should be enough to kill it.
Ruritania chapter 356 . 7/19
Ruritania chapter 355 . 7/19
Ruritania chapter 335 . 7/18
The D. Brothers angry and not themselves? I love it! Perfect twist!
Leaf Ranger chapter 362 . 7/16
Hopefully they'll be able to get to the bottom without too much trouble with Bon Clay on their side...who am I kidding, of coruse there will be trouble.

Still, overall this was an excellent chapter, keep it up! *nods*
Monster King chapter 362 . 7/15
Power of Magic chapter 362 . 7/15
A good chapter, and the meeting with Bon Clay was good. Looking forward to how things go in the next chapter
Gamelover41592 chapter 362 . 7/14
Hikari Ino chapter 362 . 7/14
StrongGuy159 chapter 362 . 7/14
Cool chapter continue please.
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