Reviews for Omiyage
SonkaD chapter 9 . 6/12
This is the second time I've read Omiyage and it's still as good as ever. I love it when an author takes the time to explore the feelings that lead to a relationship, and you do that beautifully. So thank you for writing this!
Guest chapter 9 . 3/23
This fic is basically my go-to whenever I want to read good Ry/Uk fanfiction, or just a plain good romance-focused fanfiction. I loved it back in the day (I think I read it initially around 2008 or 2009), and I still do now. I didn't leave a review back then so I'm correcting that.

You've probably moved on from Ranma fanfiction a long time ago (and maybe from fanfiction altogether), and maybe you look back at this story with shame as many authors tend to do in regard to their earlier works (or maybe you don't), maybe this comment won't ever reach you because you lost access to the mail address used for this account or because you've simply stopped checking it, but I want to say it anyway:

Thank you for writing this.

The buildup of their relationship is just a joy, their fights are painful, and even if the ending is bittersweet, it still fits because it's made very clear this is but the start of the journey. It's a shame no sequel was ever put out in the end, but the story stands perfectly well on its own and is finished, which is more that can be said for many other good fanfictions of the Ranma heydays.

The only downside is that I never found another Ry/Uk fic that felt nearly as satisfying to read as this one. I should probably curse you for that, but I can't.

I'm aware I'm more than a decade late here, but I just felt I had to write this review.
Guest chapter 9 . 1/6/2017
It was awesome! I loved your story very much. It was awesome. Not gonna lie, I was hoping for a lemon... And the only thing I didn't like was the ending, why couldn't just be together, why?
animefigurinelovers chapter 9 . 3/1/2015
i seriously want to read more ryoga/ukyo stories. i love the pairings. this story is just wow. great
asalea25 chapter 9 . 1/24/2015
scribbledog chapter 9 . 1/16/2015
Best Ryoga and Ukyo fic I've ever read hope you write again
twotowntoons chapter 9 . 12/1/2014
i wish you are still writing. i wish there was a continuation.
lalainehoney chapter 1 . 8/28/2014
i heard this is a wonderful story. ryoga and ukyo is my very favorite couple of all time... will be saving this to read this soon. excited! i love your other ryoga ukyo stories as well. wish you will not stop loving them as i do.
mikeracer chapter 1 . 7/26/2014
i am a very very big fan of Ryoga and Ukyo, aside from the other marvel cartoons that i watch. i wish you could write more stories again. i heard this stories before, seen it recommended in deviant art... will be reading this soon enough. excited that i have something to look forward and read.
asalea25 chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
this is recommended to me! i love Ryoga and Ukyo so much! will read this soon... saving many fics as of now... i bet this is one of the best out there
Penmanship81 chapter 9 . 2/18/2014
Beautiful Story with a quite comedic ending. I'm very glad I read it. You have written some of the very best Ukyo/Ryoga stories I've ran across. After deciding to get into Ranma 1/2 now, it's nice to read something like this to scratch the Ryoga/Ukyo itch I get!
triangle3side chapter 9 . 11/25/2013
please make a epilogue! please! i really love this story! please make a epilogue. even if you want to close this story already years ago.
madelane1 chapter 9 . 9/25/2013
i wish you could start writing again about them someday soon.
ifcontined chapter 9 . 1/21/2013
if you continued! i will make an account! and i will follow you, and fave this... i did save this on my microsoft word document, since i didn't make an account. so please continue writing Ryoga and Ukyo.. anything that is fantasy, whichever you like it. im just obsessed with Ryoga and Ukyo. please dont include the extras. i don't mind the main characters always present. but less of them. cause i only want to read Ryoga and Ukyo. so sorry for being to demanding, cause i think you are the queen. and has many followers already. unlike me who can't write that well. please!
hibiki wonderer chapter 9 . 12/24/2012
OMG! NO SEQUEL! SOB! but i understand! this is better than the manga well as for me, hahaha. the manga has no closure at the ending! and giving out new characters that wasn't build up much, just to finish the story for real! and more like rebounding! i so sad to say, for a lot of us, SHE LEAVE THE STORY BEHIND, OH WELL, MUST BE because she was doing the Inuyasha novel, and has left Ranma 1/2 like that in a rushed! since i am a fan of Ryoga and Ukyo ever since this manga was created! like some of the fanfic writers in here, abandon, and just to finish the story will write random stuff! (sob!) but i really do understand you, cause i abandon mine years ago! hahaha... but this is the best fanfiction ive read! never really reading any fanfiction before, but i must tell you,... im such a huge fan of Ryoga and Ukyo! my gawd! please write more Ryoga and Ukyo stories! and hopefully Ryoga would train Ukyo just like in "no depression" story, so he could hug Ukyo already! without crushing her to death, like in the Anime series! you have explained this one really better! but then again she isn't that weak as she is a martial artist too, i find Ukyo to have more of a strong beauty, than being just being sweet and boring and, good thing she wasn't made to be a mary sue kind with no flaws- to perfection! that's why i love her and Ryoga! and they get along pretty well, teaming up and such, they just have this chemistry and spark! anyway, this is the one to many reason why Ryoga should be with Ukyo! but i won't write it all down anyway, since i should just be reviewing the story! opss sorry for the out of topic! PLEASE WRITE MORE RYOGA AND UKYO STORIES! YOUR ONE OF THE BEST!
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