Reviews for Cinders
great gospel chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
I love your portrayal of the dysfunctional relationship between these two - how they can have moments like this, even though the next day there will undoubtedly be screams and tears, and at the end, the uncertainty of whether something so fragile can last. Well done.
xandria chapter 1 . 2/2/2010
Lovely story! I've always lamented that there aren't enough Cid/Shera stories out there. It's such a treat to read a good one. :-)
rEckLeSsLy.cOnFIneD chapter 1 . 6/9/2008
My, this was beautiful. The way you wrote this, so simple but so elegant, was absolutely wonderful. Great work on this.
TheTragicFlaw chapter 1 . 4/4/2008
You have a gift for expression. All of this story was worded beautifully.

You did an amazing job!
JacksTortugaLass chapter 1 . 4/10/2007
I love Cid. I love Shera. I love love Cid/Shera. A lot. That lil' tidbit of info aside you'll understand when I say that I love this story more than all that put together, you'll get that I really really really love this. ...A lot.

The words are beautiful, they flow and the small dialogue before and that's it is such a great thing! I love that. [Maybe I should come up with another word for 'love' since I'll be using it a whole lot? How about Smotch? There. Smotch.]

Before I ramble on to where it'll kick back saying that I've reached the limit [because trust me I'll just sit here and quote full paragraphs at you...for example: the whole story with my own little squees and moments of joy and awe in your talent]. I'll just hit that little tick box that says 'add to favorites' and 'add author alert'. I look forward to reading the rest of your stories. And thanks again for this one, I really do smotch it. [See? Smotch!]
Vixen2004 chapter 1 . 4/7/2007
Okay. Can I say something? You're amazing. That being said, I have one more comment to make: will you please marry me? You don't have to answer right away, take a week to think about it. But I'll be here waiting.

I am, of course, kidding.

About the marriage, not the amazing part. You really are probably one of the most talented authors on (though, admittedly, I do lurk around the Kingdom Hearts fandom where the average fanbase is twelve year old middle schoolers who supply the world with enough angst to put Evanesence to shame.) I read your profile (since I like to do that when I find someone who is, like, coherent) and not only was I laughing so hard I required the aide of a staple gun to hold my sides together, I felt truly sorry that you do not recieve the reviews you deserve.

So, with all that being said, how could I pass up the opportunity to smother you with praise? I mean, really, this was so brilliant I actually had to read it twice before it fully registered. Um, question: why are you not published? No, really, why not? Unless, of course, you ARE, then I desperately need your pen name so I can buy every novel you ever composed.

Okay, just so you believe me when I say you put Shakespeare to shame, lemme point out specific examples that simply blew me away. Ahem.

One: The description of the evening sky. I mean, wow. That's literary crack cocaine right there. Any substantial author could get high off those words. I know I did. "...twilight illumination that ostensibly comes from the unlit cobalt dome above" was, indeed, my favorite part of the paragraph, though rest assured, I'd give my soul to be able to say I penned any of those sentences.

Two: The second to last paragraph. That was just Nirvana right there. The way you captured the moment was...well, I wanted to cry with joy because, finally, someone was able to show euphoria instead of simply telling it. I believe it was the reiteration of scents that did me in. I was totally all like, "OMGOSH! I have SO smelled that before! I know exactly what they're talking about!" It was a, um, nerdy book worm moment.

Three: The ending was worded beautifully. I was left slack jawed, gaping at the screen, molars on vivid display. You said so much with what I thought was so very little (a concept sadly foriegn to most writers, myself included.) It actually made me quite sad knowing these two would be fighting the next morning, but regardless of the dismal conclusion, you still managed to state it so elegantly that I couldn't help but smile. It was a...strange accomplishment on your part, and no doubt requires some serious talent to actually pull off. Smiling while somber? Yeah, haven't seen too many writers make me do that.

Four: "...and although he will never say so he thinks her more beautiful than any other woman on the Planet at this moment." Gah, total rabid fangirl moment. That was just cute. End of story. (And of course Cid would never admit it, so you most certainly understand his character.)

Five: The dialogue. There wasn't much, but what was said was delightfully in character and a wonderful joy to read.

Six: The pacing. Alright, something that annoys me to no fathomable end (I think I just made up a word...) is when an author drowns me in pointless description and only sprinkles in little conceits when deemed absolutely necessary. The story lags when it shouldn't and jumps over what would originally be rather intruiging. You, on the other hand, actually kept me interested in the paragraphs that lacked dialogue and put in just enough speaking to make the piece absolutely infatuating.

The only thing I noticed that I could even THINK to complain about was the simple little backwards quotation marks in the second to fourth paragraphs. Oh, and some awkward spacing but it looks like that was already pointed out.

In all honesty, I thought everything else was flawless.


Well, needless to say: this is going on my favorites list. And you, Negative Creep, have made it into my very selective club of favorite authors.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go and read everything else you have ever written.

Oh, and yeah, of course I'll leave reviews. :)
xanimejunkie chapter 1 . 4/7/2007
o.o! aww... how cute. you go cid. lol. keep on writing! .
PRIVATE chapter 1 . 3/19/2007
That was sweet...
proudmaxfan chapter 1 . 9/21/2006
That was absolutely beautiful.
Sienna03 chapter 1 . 9/19/2006
Beautiful. A bit overdramatic towards the middle, but lovely language and your ending was ace. Great job!
Daze Riot chapter 1 . 9/18/2006
This is a great little gem in between all the 'humour' and action stories out there. It could use smoother flow and Cid seemed to grow out of character a touch to much, but I can honestly say this is the best fanfic I've read in a long time. I really enjoyed reading this, keep writing.

The Tiramisu Of Impending Doom chapter 1 . 9/18/2006
Yeah, there's some saying about a first time to do shit. Cid knows what he's talking about. I don't think I've ever read a romantic fic by you, but I loved every word in this.

That cinders imagery is so unique and lovely, and it fricking works. I've only seen one other fic with these two dancing I think, but you described it beautifully. It makes me happy that they'e not perfect, that it takes them awhile before their movements are fluid. Also, I liked the part about Shera loving everything about the moment, especially the "clever SOB" line.

The only problem I see is the spacing issue between some words, but that's not a big deal. "acomplicated" and "fiveminutes" are the ones I noticed though, if you want to look again.

Anyway, a nice look at a moment in time when they're not trying to kill each other. Thanks for writing it.