Reviews for Hindsight
Aratherfluffyfatcat chapter 11 . 7/24
Enjoyed the story thanks!
GenieM chapter 10 . 7/22
Nicely done! (could not post on last chapter)
GenieM chapter 1 . 7/22
I am glad you continued this. I love a redemed, snarky Snape. This is the second time reading this story. Excellent writing!
ladyofsilverdawn chapter 11 . 7/21
This was an absolute delight! Harry is too fun. Lol! And the banter and pranks are brilliant. Wonderful!
Guest chapter 11 . 6/19
Iā€™d love to read a Snarry continuation of this! This version of Severus and this version of Harry ā€“ once he grows up a bit, of course ā€“ would be great together!
Xyil chapter 1 . 6/4
This was recommended to me, because I was looking for a story in which Snape grows up.

I am trying to give it a chance, but holy shit, first chapter and you have already gotten so much so wrong.

Harry Potter was never a true Parselmouth, the horcrux in him gave him the ability and it was gone as soon as Voldemort defeated himself. He was not cunning or clever either, or very intelligent or interested.

I get that people want to idolize their childhood hero, but at least make it a little more subtle.
ohhhdear chapter 11 . 5/4
I really enjoy a redeemable Snape story...heavens, I make him sound like S
kimjo2 chapter 11 . 4/20
What a delightful romp! I do wish he'd done the spell on Dumbledork, though. Thanks so much
FFFudgeUp chapter 11 . 4/8
Great story. Love your Snape. Thanks for sharing.
GenieM chapter 11 . 3/18
Cute story...thanx!
mumphie chapter 11 . 2/15
Great story! I had thought you would go full circle with another visit from the future. Perhaps that would have been too trite?
N Flamel chapter 9 . 2/14
Your Prof. Snape continues to be a revelation and may be my most favorite iteration ever. You've done a wonderful job in developing this very believable characterization, somehow retaining his trademark canon characteristics while softening them enough to be fun and appealing. His relationship with Harry, especially, but also with Remus and Sirius, has been the highlight throughout the story, and the last line - 'I'm glad too,' he whispered - was tear-worthy. Also, great job in showing what a ponce Lockhart is, as well as possibly a predator.
Ambaire chapter 11 . 1/25
Fun story. Thanks for writing it.
Ambaire chapter 4 . 1/25
Another nice Severus story. Love it.
csheila chapter 11 . 1/17
Good place to end it.

Thanks for sharing.
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