Reviews for Perhaps I'm Not Who I Thought I Was
Revamped Persona chapter 23 . 1/22/2016
This whole story is hilarious to read. When is Roxas going to make an appearance?
Guest chapter 31 . 1/13/2015
Shelby is pooping!111111111111111
SashaPayne56 chapter 31 . 7/1/2014
Aw man you totally left it blank... i was so excited to read what happens next :3 why not let her Nobody come since save her and then like heal her or something and say that she was the only one who was allowed to kill her? Btw this totally had me cackling at the very beginning... the kid i babysat called me a lunatic for laughing at my phone...
PenAndPoint chapter 31 . 4/14/2014
Ideas? IDEAS! YOU NEED IDEAS?! *rattles found!...downloading...*


1. Megan slips into Trance (in FF9, Trance happens when someone takes enough damage, is critically injured, ext and they let out enormous energy) and goes berserk on all the bad guys. All good guys stop to stare in shock. And Xigbar makes a mumbled comment to Sora about feeling sorry for him (because even a Nobody doesn't want to deal with THAT kind of power) and Sora agrees with Xigbar.

2. Megan blacks out and, in her mind, has a discussion with Mr. DV, who helps her to open the pathways to her powers (and hidden skills). She DOES need to start leveling up a little.

3. This could be later, but I'd really like to see her get together romantic-wise with Axel. It'd be funny if he was kind of a masochist/sadist boyfriend, dealing with her insanity (but loving it because life is boring without it), but dishing out some of his own. I'd also love to see him go all protective and maybe a little bit possessive of her. Hee.

4. Demyx should adopt her as his sibling sister.

5. Um...either Demyx or Axel (don't know when he shows up) should go berserk at fish-guys attempt to kill her. (because even though she annoys them they love her anyway...aww)

6. Bulba and Squibs should both go berserk at fish-guys attempt to kill her. Bulba of course needs to grow ginormous again and start eating the fish-men (and some of Beckett's crew) and, Squibs, needs a cool superpower (maybe laser beams to shoot out of his eyes?) so he can start terrorizing anyone who hurt his best buddy (and then Xigbar needs to admit that it was smart keeping them around)

7. Sora needs to grow up and give some respect to Megan. Because she's put her life on the line many times and she's been making progress for a girl who came from our world and had no formal training beforehand (like Sora did when he used to do battle with his friends on the island). I'd like to see a strengthened bond between them (maybe a grading friendship at first). They should still keep their rivalry, and Sora should still roll his eyes at Megan's antics, but the gap should be bridged because the constant disdain he has for her is getting a little old.

That's all I got for now. Hope this helps! :)

- Failisse
Navychic101 chapter 6 . 3/24/2014
SpiedCookie126 chapter 31 . 3/22/2014
No! More desertion! But what if to quickly finish off the pirates of the carrabians arc, why not have Will get the heart, and happens to look over at Megan, at that same exact time, then Will can't but imagine that it was really Elizabeth, stabs the heart, becomes the new captain, done, then megan gets frantically healed by... Someone, because Demyx wouldn't risk going to Castle Oblivion in fear of Gemnax killing her. That's all I've got, now it's up to you to nuke that writers block out of existence, and feed us ravenous readers!
AvionVadion chapter 31 . 4/5/2013
When are you going to update? This is a really awesome story. I burst out laughing so many times I lost count.
IwishIwasginger chapter 5 . 10/8/2012
twi twi twilight werewolf TWILIGHT! translates into
that was totaly AWESOME!

see I speak emo as well
Guest chapter 31 . 9/6/2012
Continue the story if you dont have any ideas just amke it as t: fish guy removes sword from stomach laughing maniacally then suddenly stops Megan faints demyx catches Boom wakes up capturd or sothin and finds out that either Captain jack or Axel or Sora took out the fish guy
MissC08 chapter 31 . 7/25/2012
When are you going to update? and if you need outrageous ideas, I'm your girl. By the way you story is AWESOME!
TearsToScarlet chapter 28 . 6/5/2012

You mean the scan panel of 358/2 days? I wuv my scan panel!

And what's the game?
Riki-chan chapter 14 . 5/11/2012
They'rre so mean! D: is there a prank chapter? if not,there should be. and i think all laptop battery lives stink. its one of the stupid universal least, until I get a technology class already...UNIVERSE BEWARE! :D
XesmeKH chapter 30 . 5/1/2012
Hmm… ideas huh? I'm sorry but I cannot help you on that! My writing cannot, I repeat CANNOT compete with yours! But I hope someone gives you a good idea! Good luck Yargy!
obsessed-beyond-reason2001 chapter 28 . 4/23/2012
...Dang it. Usually I don't review a story until I catch up to the last chapter, but I just had to say. I'm reading this before school, and I shall now make all of my classmates lose the game.
Armyx chapter 30 . 4/21/2012
I just read 30 chapters of awesome. and some other stuff too. but mainly awesome.

I really enjoyed it, although I did notice every time you meant to say "definitely" it came out as "defiantly"... or something like that. (maybe you meant that, I dunno... but it happened too often to be a coincidence...)

Please update soon, and I hope to read more!
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