Reviews for Because it feels good
Guest chapter 1 . 2/16
Guest chapter 1 . 1/13/2014
Great thanks for taking down a good story. If your not gonna finish it don't write!
heregoingthere chapter 18 . 7/6/2008
oh plz dont keep me wondering like that lol

update soon por favor ]
kool-aidrocks2008 chapter 18 . 4/15/2008
hey now, you just stop there. not fair i tell ya...hope ya update soon.
AvalancePride chapter 18 . 4/8/2008
please update , i want 2 no wats in the box
teampalex01 chapter 18 . 11/12/2007
Are you gonna up-date this story anytime soon because I really like it and curious to know what's in the box.
skipsomething chapter 18 . 8/5/2007
haha... just like everyone else here... it would be really a treat for us if you can update this and your other fanfics you have... coz we certainly ENJOYED every bits and pieces of it! right, my fellow readers?


i think i have to wish to the sunset tomorrow.. lol..

xekari chapter 18 . 8/4/2007
Okay, the box has to be the autobiography... right? I can't believe you left it with a cliffhanger!

Loved the story, but it's so sad to see it hanging on incomplete.

If you update this, even just to tell us what's in the freakin' box, it would make me incredibly happy. :D
kangaroos chapter 18 . 7/27/2007
that's so evil , to leave us with this cliffhanger.

please update.
Something-So-Metallic chapter 18 . 7/8/2007
ok, no fair. ;-;

I just read this entire story in one sitting and I'm so hooked and want more.

Please update soon! ;_;

Shadow in the wind chapter 18 . 7/7/2007
no! you can't stop now! no! I stayed up until 1:00 in the moring practally drooling over this fanfic and you have to end it there! why! why? Please update soon! pretty pretty please! you are an awesome writer and this story is to good to quit on.

palexspashley chapter 18 . 6/26/2007
what is it

is it the autobiography?

love the story

so hurry and post more pewes :)
AWorldOfNonsense chapter 18 . 6/12/2007
i wanna know what's in the box!
fligurl chapter 18 . 6/11/2007
Because I am such a fan of Midnight Kisser, I wanted to read this too. Very cute. I can really see the progression of your writing. I noticed this hasn't been updated in a while. I really hope you return to this because you've got some really cool thigns going on and it can go get better!
Bittersweet Muse chapter 18 . 6/9/2007
Awesome story...I've read it a few times now...and still wondering...what's in the box? Can't wait for an update.
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