Reviews for Best day ever
RenesmeVivio chapter 1 . 7/27/2019
Abby chapter 1 . 9/20/2014
exeptional yet wished put till maridge to do that
robin chapter 1 . 12/13/2013
that was a great story but i havent over grown star yet ps dont show the titans this
coolcari chapter 1 . 2/12/2009
hey this is a good story r u goin 2 update it? plz do

robinstar 4ever chapter 1 . 7/3/2008
it is so perfect

robin&star are my favourite couple

i hope i live them one day

you are a so very more

i loved the way they wanted to have sex
Kailey chapter 1 . 11/7/2006
That was AWESOME! Seriously, I could'nt have writen anything better!

Write soon, PLEASE! this is a fav. to save!

angel-witch-girl 101 chapter 1 . 10/29/2006
Hey i think you did a really good job i really enjoyed the way i took time for them to come together and they didn't go all the way leaving some thing else for the next story and adding there past and beast boy and raven was a good touch. the only thing is i think you ment african american instead of american african. but overall it was good. thank for writing and continue
Tprinces chapter 1 . 10/5/2006
awwe! . very nice! you put a little bit of every thing in there! probably only a split second where Star was OOC, but tother then that, excelent work! and for a first, too! you've got talent; hone it.

Kookla chapter 1 . 10/4/2006
aw...that was really cute...

Did it go well woth you and your friend...teehee. I hope sound like a good person to date...and you write really good stories. Please write some more!
Dash-Rendar chapter 1 . 9/27/2006
Not too bad, my new friend. Keep it up! I look forward to your reviews that will be coming my way, hopefully! LOL

Other than a few grammatical errors, it was a good story. Try sending it over to another person, like Rosefire or have a friend proof read before posting.

Alisa chapter 1 . 9/27/2006
do think there should be a little bit more room in paring? can you add my charactar? Her name is Miyoka. From the now extict

Yomokisho Island. Slade killed her village knowing that tribe was the only thing that could stop him from controlling the world. Poor Miyoka had to watch as her family was beaten stabbed and beat-up to death. She never forgot the day her mom told her of the teen titans,before she died.

* flash back *

Bleeding a dark crimson red pool of blood, Shikota managed to tell her daughter this:"Don't cry instead find the teen titans you should know that the tower is directly north of *coughs up blood* our village...


"don't forget to remember me..."


"i love you Miyoka,my sweet baby girl..."was the last thing she said before she took her last few breathes.

"NO Y-YOU WON'T DIE! YOU CAN'T DIE!"Mika waited days without food or water to hear the words "got ya" , but they never came. She could all most hear the words "i don't want you to die of misery. live and find the titans."

"But how," she asked.

"go will help you on the way..."Shikota,Mika's mother,said as a compass droped from Mika's lap.

"but without you..."

"don't you want me to be happy?"her mother.

"y...YES!"She said wanting a shoulider to cry on.

"then go do it for your mother,for our family, for the village."


*end flash back*

She's been having that same emotionless stare since the Bloody Day,as she called some point Aqualad finds her and wants to know why she has that hurt stare on her face every waking moment of her life,or since he's seen her. Please add my charactar and pair her up with aqualad. so its kinda AqualadxOC.

i will deny it no longer i am a fan of that chapter of your writting!-:)
Agent of the Divine One chapter 1 . 9/26/2006
Perfect except for the swearing. :)
lilykat14 chapter 1 . 9/26/2006
wonderful, especially for a first story. i havent gotten the courage up to post mine yet

and i understand about the asking out thing. its conforting to know someone else had trouble too.

so great overall! the summary made me think it might be a bit sappy and un realistic, but it was great.
rEd RoSe-StArFiRe-RoSeFiRe chapter 1 . 9/26/2006
np about the story man but this was so cute plz write more stories buddy!
Thunder-Rose1 chapter 1 . 9/26/2006
Great story, best one i've read in a while...
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