Reviews for The Truth Shall Set You Free
Wildfire's Flame chapter 1 . 7/10
Great imagery. I love the season opener of season 2. Its one of my favorite episodes. This just made it even better. Thank you.
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 4/17/2013
If this scene really happen in the canon, I'll feel like in heaven! XD
This is awesome! The way Sam really panicked about Dean's problem is epic! Truly good!


That's actually my question why Dean REALLY afraid TO DEATH of height!
Voldemort- Coolest Badguy EVER chapter 1 . 9/9/2010
Aww, loved the flashback here. I've re-read all the Wee-chesters stories, which are adorable, but I'm already missing them, so it's awesome to read a memory amongst all the drama that's going on.

Thanks for the fantastic read.

- Coolest Badguy EVER
deezy-y chapter 1 . 5/21/2010
Rosetta Brunestud chapter 1 . 4/27/2010
I loved that episode And the fanfic was pretty good. The flashback was pretty cool too DD
Great fanfic, congratulations! o/
Broken Sexed Up Bloody Kitten chapter 1 . 8/8/2009
Loved! Absolutely!
Maimat B chapter 1 . 5/12/2008
Great story!
L. Burke chapter 1 . 8/2/2007
“And Sammy,” Dean opened his eyes, raised a brow, suddenly realizing that his heart-rate had calmed and that he could actually talk without gasping for breath. “If you tell anyone about this, especially Caleb, they will never find your body. Got it?”

The six-year-old giggled. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone you’re afraid of big, scary Ferris Wheels, Dean.”

LOL! I wonder when Caleb found out about Dean’s fear of heights and exactly how he ribbed Dean about it? Of course Caleb’s got his own little fear of water going there if I remember correctly.

I really enjoyed this. Loved seeing Sam step up to the plate and protecting Dean here.
Raconteur chapter 1 . 6/26/2007
This was really great. I loved the ferris wheel memory. The emotions were so real, I could almost taste them. I think we've all felt this kind of fear at one time or another in our lives. You did a wonderful job of capturing it and of holding true to Sam and Dean's characters. Very good peice of writing. Thank you.
Arinia chapter 1 . 5/1/2007
Loved, loved, loved it. Especially the flashback scene, that was wonderful.
Child of a Pineapple chapter 1 . 3/30/2007

I loved this - great job!

And they totally needed this scene in the episode.
Sierra Nichole chapter 1 . 3/25/2007
I wish so bad we'd seen more of when Dean woke up, it could've been a great brother moment... *sigh* This will just have to do! And you definitely did what could have been justice, I loved the flashback scene.

Great job :)
Sera and Tails chapter 1 . 3/2/2007
I'm -slowly- making my way through your massive list of works and absolutely loved this one. Perfecton.


Freefall chapter 1 . 2/12/2007
Loved it!
November'sGuest chapter 1 . 2/5/2007
Perfect...just the way I had envisioned. Thank you for writing this one, too. I so wanted there to be more after Dean woke see the choking scene play out.

I love Sam coming to appreciate his brother and realize where home is. Awesome job.
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