Reviews for A wedding to remember
aussiegirlforever chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
i love this story so much drama, brachel friendship and brucus whats not to love wish there was more
writerbrat97 chapter 45 . 7/10/2012
Jenny's a cockblock lol
Guest chapter 5 . 7/9/2012
Bitch Whore Backstabber Conniving Peyton Sawyer
dianehermans chapter 47 . 6/13/2009
please update this story please
princetongirl chapter 47 . 10/27/2008
loved it update soon
Cdangermagnet chapter 47 . 10/26/2008
Thanks for finally UD!

I thought your chapter was great and I understand that you haven't had time to UD, you seem to have a bussy life!

I loved Brucas sceen, it was cute with som deep, and I nthink it really needed that, it would have become to fluff otherwise.

Ud soon!
Hoover05 chapter 47 . 10/25/2008
It was a good chapter. I think you need to have Luke and Brooke hook up soon.
toddntan chapter 47 . 10/25/2008
The Brucas was so sweet with Jenny! Spice Girls... I used to hate them (Don't kill me) but my sister was obessed with them. I'll admit, once someone sings or plays one of those songs over and over again, you can't get it out of your head! To this day I still hear "Power to the world" or 'People of the World' or whatever the song was in my head!LOL! Haha, anyway, I love the Brucas closeness and how Lucas can talk to brooke about her paents! I love that he says she is his family! Now, Nathan protecting Peyton was nice, but I want him to find out about Evil Dn and DumbSH*T Peyton were up to before Peyton grew a conscience! It's only a matter of time! Okay, lastly, who was Jake talking too? i guess it was Peyton, but for some reason I kept thing of Rachel! haha, guess it's the Rake Lover in me! :)

Update soon

SomeLostBliss chapter 46 . 8/4/2008
Hey Jules !

it's lena, i told you i'll let you a big review , so i will keep my promise ! :)

Like i told you , i read your fic in one day and it's really cool ! The thing is , you make awesome vids, awesome fics, plus i'm sure you make beautiful arts, what's next ? lol i'm sure you can sing too ! i'm impressed. I actually have to talk about your story , because like you told me , you won't update if you don't have enough reviews. I'm so not patient and i want the next chapter now lol. So i thought maybe if i give you a big one, it will be better than a hundred. Hmm Hmm i'm not funny and it would be a lot better if there were smileys ! lol

I'm not funny, well maybe i'm a little :D. What ? i can be modest sometimes. See you and your whole "I'm the queen of the queens" lmao.

I'm pretty sure i'm saying things which don't mean anything. well i don't talk english everyday. Hmm , thinking about it maybe , because of FF and talking with you on msn and all the other girls lol. I'll understand you if you want me to stop talking lmao.

Anyway , back at your story. I don't even know if what i'm saying means something but i continue. :D

Seriously , i love it, BL build up , they obvioulsy love each other and like always peyton is in the way. Did i tell you that i hate her again ? I'm still wondering who is saying the last sentence oO. i'll find, i just have to think about it again, maybe Rachel, i don't know.

The Jenny/brooke/Lucas scene is soo cute. it's actually good to find Brooke and Jake really friend in a story. This is the first time i see it and it would be good in the show :) and you know what , i think he might be my new fav character lol I just love him for breaking the LP wedding ! I'm his new cheerleader. No just kidding my fac character is still brooke, and it will never change. :)

I think i'm done with this review. I don't know if i'll write reviews like that every next chapters, but i'll try my best lmao

I hope it's long enough for you ! ;) Maybe next time i'll tell you my life lol i'm still thinking about it.

Don't shoot me i'm not an eloquant speaker lol but i love english and (my modesty is coming again) lol i think i'm not so bad for my age lol

Well i stop talking now , i'm sure i'm annoying you ! lmao

So keep it up !

Love :)

Liora chapter 46 . 7/13/2008
The 46th first chapters are amazing !

You really show their amazing relationship and what you wrote could have surely happened after their breakup in the series 4 premiere if Mark wasn't so stubborn !

Anyways , can't wait to read the end of the story !
brucas224 chapter 46 . 4/11/2008
love it more more brucas and brucas with jenny loved it more more update soon!
aislingforstars chapter 46 . 3/19/2008
Julies! Please, you're not the worst updater ever, that's me, lmao. I never update anything *look*

OMG! JENNY AND BROOKE *thud* Jamie totally needs to be in this story, lmao. I love how protective Jenny is of Brooke and how she called her "my" *sigh*. Luke, Brooke and Jenny are like their own little happy family, lol. I'm dreaming here ;) But yeah, I loved those.

Peyton... eh, I honestly felt like skiping it since I'm on full hating Peyton mood right now, rotfl. But because it's you, I read it D I don't care even if it's you writing her, as long as I know it's her, I'm going to hate it *look*

Sigh. That was a great ch. I can't wait for the next one, how ever long it takes p
only-because3 chapter 46 . 3/15/2008
o who is it?
Brooke D chapter 46 . 3/15/2008
I loved the Brooke/Lucas/Jenny moment. Jenny defending Brooke was really cute. I still hate Peyton but the fact that she stand up to down means a lot. Can't wait for your next update.
Brucas True Love chapter 46 . 3/15/2008
I loved it

Jenny is so cute

Update soon
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