Reviews for Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
White Wyrsa chapter 22 . 4/30/2014
And he's a good liar?.. '''-)
Those are great. some of them are genius.
White Wyrsa chapter 19 . 4/30/2014
Well, and the f*cker had his "day". Poor sod. He indeed wasn't too bad...
White Wyrsa chapter 18 . 4/30/2014
FUCK, girl, it's so weard. While I read ffcn I often catch myself thinking - "do they actually READ you, gyus?"
OurThirteenSenses chapter 22 . 2/21/2009
Hey wow. I said i'd be back - in true arnie fashion. And i loved them. I really, really did.

I realise now, that i'm probably coming off as completely random, but yeah. I don't go back on what i say...

So, what i think... they were all sorrowful, but they each had this chord of truth, even though it's all based on fiction. I find that's really hard to get in a drabble, so kudos to you my friend. They just seemed to be based in real feelings, and i think thats sort of the point of fiction. Go you.

Okay, i'll leave now, and try to avoid creeping you out with my slightly crazy reviews...


OurThirteenSenses chapter 11 . 1/3/2009
Hey, wow. I basically came to your profile because you reviewed my story, with the intention of reviewing one of yours, and became interested in this fic because I noticed that it had 22 chapters and under 2,500 words. So i started reading to figure out how that would work, and I loved it!

...Except I didn't understand it. Because i have never seen even one episode of Supernatural. Or even heard of it. And drabbles don't work without a backround story. So, because I liked the drabbles, I started clicking away on the internet and watching episodes... and now I'm hooked!

So what I'm gonna do, Is watch a few more seasons. And then, when I've seen enough that the drabbles make more sense (even though it IS kinda fun imagining what they could mean :P), I'm going to come back, and review again.

Thank you! Supernatural is AWESOME!
fearlessgoddess2 chapter 1 . 10/1/2008
1) Cute. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

2) Great metaphors with the glass. He might as well leave it broken if it can't be fixed. Poor impala. *tear*

3) GREAT Dean flash of Sam evil. *glares at psycho Gordon*

4) What's dead should stay dead. A big thing in this series and you summed it up quite nicely.

5) Definitely liking the twisted version of the scene on the bridge.

6) So sad! But so true. Poor Dean.

7) Lol, great.

8) Not my favorite, but liked it.

9) Great metaphors. Croatoan right?

10) Like the title: Fire and Ice. *glares at psycho Gordon AGAIN*

11) Very nicely written. Harsh Playthings scene, that was.

12) *cries a tear for Ronald*

13) Who needs angels anyway? Love how you posted that like 2 years ago! :) HOTH was good, but Lazarus Rising? Totally awesome!

14) Excellent representation of Sam possessed in BUABS!

15) Lol, about time you added in one from Bobby! God, I LOVED Tall Tales!

16) Very haiku-ish. Or, very something. I'm not sure if I even know what a haiku is, but if I did it would sound like that. Anyway, very cool. Roadkill was fascinating with Dean's perspective on ghosts, huh? :)

17) Okay, my total FAVORITE so far. Heart, obviously. So many issues shoved into those few lines, Dean killing Sam if he turns, Sam killing Madison when she turns...ugh, just tears me up every time.

18) Great drabble there. Vague, yet specific. I read it twice.

19) Oh, I could just hear Hendrickson narrating that one! Great!

20) Loving the dark irony. I was going to say black comedy, but dark irony works better I think.

21) Oh, I can feel the anguish! You're so amazing!

22) Absolutely perfect drabble for AHBLII. Great stuff.

So yea, you're a great drabbler too. If you ever want to chat, since I like to chat about supernatural type things, not limited to the show, IM me at fearlessgoddess2. I'm sure we could come up with some interesting conversations bewteen us, huh? :)
burnmedown chapter 17 . 9/15/2007
Gorgeous and aching and lyrical.
wild wolf free17 chapter 22 . 6/19/2007
wild wolf free17 chapter 21 . 6/19/2007
Oh, so _aching_.
wild wolf free17 chapter 20 . 6/19/2007
wild wolf free17 chapter 18 . 6/19/2007
Aww, Dean. Lovely.
irismay42 chapter 22 . 5/19/2007
Oh, I just love the optimism in this one! I found that quite odd to reconcile in the ep (although I LOVED the ep!). Dean is so going to go out kickin' demon ass... Because I'm sure Kripke's going to let him die at the end of season 3 (rolls eyes)!

Thanks for this series - you've kept me really entertained from start to finish!
Nana56 chapter 22 . 5/18/2007
"We've got work to do." Damn straight! All kinds of work, not the least of which is to get Dean out of his deal. I think the best thing is for Sam to take care of it. She said if Dean tried to welch...not Sam.

These have all been great! Thanks for sharing them with us!
Mellaithwen chapter 22 . 5/18/2007
gotta commend you hun for getting a whole season worth of drabbles done :) and not to mention they all kick ass and reflect the episode perfectly :) great work!
irismay42 chapter 21 . 5/17/2007
I was seeing the last scene of All Hell.. in slow motion as I was reading that. The sad thing is, we just know Dean's going to be guilting himself like crazy for not protecting Sam from this one..
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