Reviews for The Highlander
spiceyhot chapter 1 . 3/7/2018
oh that was great!
mandy chapter 1 . 7/8/2015
Hilarious! Loved it!
ladygris chapter 1 . 11/8/2011
ROFL! I don't typically read Halloween stories, but this was just downright HILARIOUS! Great work!
vcg73 chapter 1 . 10/14/2008
I was looking around for Halloween fic and came across this little gem. Loved it! Rodney, the unwilling storyteller, came up with a whopper and I actually spit my soda from laughing when Carson showed up at the exact right moment. The story is just what I was in the mood for! :)
azure-lupis chapter 1 . 7/11/2008
Haha! Oh God, I love this XD
Space1Traveler chapter 1 . 4/20/2008
I laughed until I cried. Thanks for the 'scare'.
ferryboat George chapter 1 . 3/24/2008
ROFLMAOOL! ICB! That was great.
kiku65 chapter 1 . 3/11/2008
Ha! I can just see Jinto as anold grandad telling a circle of wide-eyed kiddies abut the night he met... THE HIGHLANDER!

Bless Rodney. And Sheppard for laughing. And Carson for being a fuzzy werewolf :D
Negolith chapter 1 . 10/23/2007
Brilliant! Simply brilliant! I think Rodney's next ghost story should be "The Flyboy and the Cowlick From Hell."

Thank you for a wonderful giggle. :)
zafaran chapter 1 . 7/14/2007
{snicker} This was hysterically funny, and I was so glad I didn't have a mouth full of tea at the wrong moment on this one, or Sheppard wouldn't have been the only one choking. Well done. I hope your schedule and muse will allow you to write and post more chapters on more stories sometime soon. Keep up the good work. Zafaran {mailto:} zafaran {at} fastmail {dot} fm
Wraithfodder chapter 1 . 11/16/2006
Loved it!
Merlin's trash can chapter 1 . 11/11/2006
Hehehehehehhahahaah! That was awesome! It made me laugh so hard, I nearly choked on my leftover Halloween candy like Sheppard did... Love it!
Sepik chapter 1 . 11/8/2006
Lol! That made me laugh... a lot. :D I mean a LOT! XD Happy (belated) Halloween to you, too.
KateCayce chapter 1 . 10/27/2006
What havoc those three could wreak!

Count Chuckles?
krysalys chapter 1 . 10/27/2006

Oh bloody hell, that was brilliant! Well done, m'love!

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