Reviews for Tangled web
JauntyPuma chapter 7 . 1/25/2016
That was a damn good story... there's no other way to put it... seriously, the plot was really exciting and at the end it was so hot... LOVED IT!
xxslashmindedxx chapter 7 . 1/14/2016
Yoda is so awesome in this! The ending is awesome! I'm glad Obi-wan didn't make Anakin suffer in waiting too long after their argument :) awesome story!
Violet26 chapter 7 . 7/3/2014
I liked this. I really loved how you added Quinlan and Aayla. I also liked how you wrote Yoda, the last bit especially. A couple spots, when you switch from one scene to another, should have been more clear. For example, the last line of this chapter that has Obi-wan and Anakin; "content in the aftermath of their timid virginal exertions." and Yoda's first line are two separate scenes but they read like one. Maybe a line break would help or something that shows the change of scene. The sex scene wasn't as good as some of your others. It was a bit too mushy, at least for my taste. It also had Obi-wan sounding a bit girly. I understood the point, they had a big fight and wanted to take their time and that's fine but the detailed descriptions of Anakin's eyes and hair and all is a bit much for me. I say Obi-wan sounds girly because I do get you're writing this as his first time but considering his age, wisdom and being a Jedi I can't imagine him being as timid as he sounds. The way the scene is written, they both sound too unsure of what they're doing. That's my opinion anyway. Loved the rest of the story though. Good plot and I kind of liked what happened to Padame, not that I disliked that much in the movies, it just fit after what she did in the story. Sorry for the long review. Nice story!
Evarne chapter 7 . 10/25/2010
I really liked this story and some of your other fics too.

My favorite part:

"His eyes were alight, and his face flushed from his excitement, almost childlike in the way he was unwrapping Obi-wan, and learning how his new toy worked."

That was SO Anakin XD

And your Obi-Wan is damn cute. I love him shy and proper and insecure in these matters. He can't be the Master in everything, much better this way. ;)

Thanks for posting. It was nice to read.
MerlinEmrys2016 chapter 7 . 2/9/2008
Awesome story! Your Obi-Wan in this story is so different from my Obi-Wan in my story. Yours is so innocent but secretly jealous..mine is so so dark and evil..but maybe thats because your Obi-Wan is good and mine is on the dark side...either way...I love ani/obi and you did such a good job potraying it.
Desert Thief chapter 7 . 1/6/2008
Finally a fresh approach on how Anakin and Obi-Wan get together. What's with the lack of reviews, it's a brilliant read and really original compared to some of the other fics on the web. Thanks for posting.

~Desert Thief
Satele chapter 7 . 12/27/2007
War har har har! Master Yoda is so awesome in here! XXPP Temperature control and plumbing difficulties. XPP

I loved the story, it was most excellent! The plot moved along just nicely and the character development was wonderful. Over all, a wonderful story, keep up the writing!
Bohemian815 chapter 7 . 6/26/2007
OK umm wow! Dude, how do you have no reviews? This was so awesome, so very very awesome! It was all so very...just...good. I wish I could quote my favorite parts, but I'd probably quote the whole damn thing.