Reviews for Wheel Of Time Book 12
kelwin chapter 30 . 6/20/2016
I still think you should have continued with your book 12 and the rest. yes it is complete but I do feel the end was a bit rushed and still too many threads left open and uncomplete. I think if Jordan had lived he might have taken another book or 2 to get to a memory of light.
Smurph chapter 25 . 3/28/2014
Problem is, Sierin was a Grey, as stated in New Spring.
Phateemah chapter 30 . 9/22/2011
i loved the your take of the book though i have already read the real one. correction: jahar narishma is the one with bells in his hair not flinn. damer flinn was a gnarled old man and i thought sumeko was a kinswoman?
KennyW chapter 29 . 10/27/2009
Massive props on predicting how the seanchan would attack the white tower. I've just finished reading "The gathering storm". It reads a little different but is essentially all Robert jordan. I would definitely recommend that you read it.
Xyfa chapter 27 . 8/5/2009
O, now that is interesting. Rand's able to use that hand again somehow? Hmm, wonder where your going with that. As for this supposed green sister... My money is on a Forsaken, although I don't see one of them risking themselves so badly, but I can't think of who else it could be (its late :-)). Anyhow, an interesting chapter, and I look forward to seeing the chaos of the next chapter.
Doobie78 chapter 1 . 8/3/2009
I have just finished reading the first 26 chapters and so far I have liked where you're going with the story line. Do you need some one to read your stories to help you with spelling and grammar? I understand that english isn't your first language and I like your writing so I'd love to help you you'll let me. I don't know if that's what is called a Beta or not but I'd love to proof read your stories.

When is your next chapter going to be out?

Let me know about my offer.
Xyfa chapter 26 . 7/5/2009
Wow, this is the first attempt at an actual sequel to the series that I've found of any significant length, and I must say that I am impressed.

I especially liked the characterisation of rand in this chapter, and am looking forward to seeing more of him in the story. Definitely should be interesting to see the fallout from it being revealed just who his teacher was.
3SavageSkillets chapter 26 . 6/20/2009
this is an amazing story slight recurring spelling errors, it neither not nether and Aiel not Aeal. but i really love wut uve done with this entire story, all the characters are really well matched to their character and u have really good ideas for future chapters from wut i have read. however i think u r taking the matt losing an eye thing to literally, eye can be meant in many ways, sight, wisdom, knowledge; prophecies r almost never meant literally there is always some hidden meaning or play off of words. so thats my advice other than that my only thought is that rand would have probably given cadsuane more attitude. but i love your story, you have an amazing writing style, and a good storyline. update soon
Dat chapter 26 . 6/6/2009
An okay chapter, though I confess reading it and seeing how pathetic and weak Rand is once again being lessened the enjoyment somewhat. Still, I cannot fault you for that since thats how he acts in canon WoT too. Ohwell. Maybe in your story you could have him grow a new spine to replace the one he has lost. One can dream. :)
KennyW chapter 26 . 6/3/2009
Lews Therin. Please spell it right.
apocalyps24 chapter 26 . 6/2/2009
more Rand please
Jacyl chapter 25 . 6/2/2009
Well I cant really argue since its been long time since i have read any of those books, but here are some flaws of your theory:

1. Elaida said that "24 men who could channel" so they were able to channel and one thing we know for sure is that Elaida isnt black so she cant lie. They have found 24 men in 20 years it would be hard to keep it secret if they were used in some plan men who can channel wont be easy to control and finding 8 mens for plan like that when they try most likely to hide from aes sedai's wont be easy.

2. They were probably only men like Owyn. Men who were able to channel, but they didnt get their trial in Tar Valon, before they were gentled. Its againts laws of tar valon to gentle man without trial and aes sedais dont want it to become public knowledge that some of them broke their own laws. Toveine was probably one of these.

3. If i remember correctly it was Siuan who made up that story of red ajah making false dragons, because she wanted to destroy Elaida and gain peoples support for rebelious aes sedais. Its just lie though only Siuan, Leane, Logain and maybe Egwene know about it.
SilverFox chapter 25 . 6/2/2009
I have loved your writing up until the last two chapters. I thought they were not up to par with your usual stuff. As for the theory however, there are a few holes in it. First off, if you look at the beginning of ACoS, this is what it says,

"Twenty-four is a dangerous number to speak aloud," Alviarin said with an ominous quiet, ' 'as dangerous as two thousand. The Chronicles record only sixteen. The last thing needed now is for those years to rear up again. Or for sisters who know only what they were told to learn the truth. Even those you brought back

hold their silence."

To me this says there were 24 men who could channel in the last 20 years. But only 16 were brought back to the tower to be gentled, and that is why some took on a penance. Only 16 were publicly known.

Also, Sierin Vayu was not Blue, she was Grey. And most importantly, she was very close with the Red Ajah. As a result I think she knew about the gentling of all 24, and so it was recorded about in the histories.

She might have been killed by the sisters who gentled the 8 men outside the tower, because they wanted their secret kept safe. But I'm not completely sure about this part.

Keep writing, I can't wait for the next installment of your story. Overall, you have done an amazing job on it so far.
Naitan chapter 25 . 6/1/2009
Um, personally, I've always thought that Elaida hated Siuan, because her treatment of them in New Spring was reported to the Mistress of Novices...

You've clearly put a lot of effort into this. Well done for coming up with such a theory!

I can't really spot a hole in this. However, if the channellers weren't really channellers, would they not have been listed there anyway? Otherwise, any future Amyrlins might have been able to spot this discrepancy. And Elaida couldn't let that happen, could she?
Ancient and Forever chapter 24 . 5/19/2009
this is really good stuff :)
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