Reviews for Rise of Lady Vader
Guest chapter 19 . 4/10/2019
jcat30 chapter 19 . 8/27/2017
Any chance of writing more to this story? Maybe bringing down the Empire and "Lady Vader" getting to be with her children and reconciliation between her and her Naboo family? Please continue even if it's been years since you posted anything. Thanks!
darklover chapter 19 . 5/31/2015
This is a good story that I will hope you will continue writing for despite your struggle to get it done. :D I understand that life and your muse make it hard.

I have enjoyed your story for the most part though I'm kinda disappointed that there hasn't been much development between Vader and Amidala. I would have thought you would have written more between them.

I really liked how you have been focusing on Leia as their only child up until now that Luke has been discovered. Looking forward to seeing what's going to happen next.
Tess chapter 19 . 2/6/2015
I'm on my phone so I didn't feel like loggin in (Avery Taylor btw) but gosh, every time you comment on my fic I think about how awesome this one is. You really inspired me to improve my understanding of the character and their dialogue. I just reread the last chapter of this and the realism puts butterflies in my stomach! Han and Leia's relationship is hard to write because they are both hard characters to understand, but you do this flawlessly.
Captain Rudds chapter 18 . 9/24/2014
I wonder, when luke go to Bespin to help his friends would he end up meeting padme instead of vader or is he still going to fight vader
Shiranai Atsune chapter 19 . 5/16/2014
please update!
Tess Tucker chapter 19 . 5/9/2014
"I think you're everything." GAAAAAAAHHHH SWOOOOOOOOOONNN! If I take too long to update Daughter of a Dead Woman its because I've been obsessed with this lol :)
Tess Tucker chapter 13 . 5/9/2014
Ahhhhhh Xizor! I just read Shadows of the Empire, so I'm glad he's a part of this :) Haha always one of my favorite villains!
Tess Tucker chapter 12 . 5/9/2014
Ahhhh LOVED THIS CHAPTER! Especially Han's "Too young, too classy, too short." HA! He doesn't even know what he's in for...
Tess Tucker chapter 1 . 5/9/2014
I've been meaning to check out your stories since you're always reading mine :) You see so much of "If Padme survived" on here and I normally don't like it because it changes who everyone is so much, but this still intrigued me. My only suggestion would be to take your time, linger on some detail. When Padme thinks the twins did not survive childbirth, she drops her head into her hands and then you go straight to "Over the next few days..." Tell us what she's feeling. This is very dialogue heavy and the dialogue is good, but maybe challenge yourself to include that additional detail. I'm glad Padme wasn't immediately okay with being Lady Vader. And I like how the chapter ended a lot :) I'll definitely find some time to continue reading this one. And as always, thanks for your comments on Daughter of a Dead Woman! :)
Zigflorian chapter 19 . 11/21/2013
Really great! I just discovered this fic and it is excellent. Hope you continue and write more soon!
F Maurice chapter 19 . 11/15/2013
Very good. And please, don't take longer than a month for the next update!
F Maurice chapter 18 . 11/15/2013
Leia and Han masquerading as a married couple? That should be interesting.
F Maurice chapter 17 . 11/15/2013
It's good Han told Leia that he understood her right to cry.
F Maurice chapter 16 . 11/15/2013
I'm so curious to see how you will fit Padme in with the events we're already familiar with.
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