Reviews for A Demon's Cry
Aldedron chapter 1 . 6/5/2011
Noo~! Something else ongoing *teary mumbling*... And it ended on a practical cliffy, too, with the first awakenings of Chaos. Ah-! Why're all the addictive stories ongoing?

I do wonder, though. I recall a brief mentioning in the first story about Vincent having had a partner in his hunts through the mountains, but after the guy died he was never assigned one again. I forget the name of the guy, but could it be this Malachie-dude? If so, just what happened to him? I get the feeling Chaos's involved, which makes it only more enticing...

Ah~! But ongoing! So evil *half-hearted grumbles*...
spiralgal chapter 1 . 12/31/2008
What is it? What happened? What is that a piece of? What does Vincent think happened?

Update, please? Ja ne.
pride1289 chapter 1 . 12/2/2006
its good so far. now if only i culd write for vincents pov. that wuld be a miracle now wouldnt it. AH! chaos is ruining my typing skills! stop making me type correctly you dam sexy demon! *runs away*
hittocerebattosai chapter 1 . 11/26/2006
Aww! The chapter about Vinnie-chan ended... *pouteths* No fair... Update 'gain soon? pretty pretty please? Whee! *dansuu* I cannot wait ot see what happens next! *grins*
Terry-McElrath chapter 1 . 11/5/2006
I enjoyed this opening chapter very much. Vincent is one of my favorite FF VII characters. I liked your description of him and his fight with the blue dragon. I'm looking forward to seeing how this story develops. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Ms. Zeal chapter 1 . 11/5/2006
Hey Katreal!

O, that's awesome! I like how Vincent joined the Hunters, using his skills to protect the village even if everyone kind of shuns him because of his intimidating nature. And the fact that his superior skills with a gun make him ideal for the most dangerous route... _ Vincent's just awesome that way! I kind of felt sorry for him having to go by himself, but it's nothing that he can't handle! I am interested to see how this plays out, however. Given Vincent's reaction after he came to, I'm guessing that he hasn't used a limit breaker since Cloud retrieved him from the mansion. I do not know if he transformed before being locked away in the basement, but I think it's a good possibility that he has, as he seemed to know what happened, even though he didn't want to admit it. I think this incident, plus the promise, will get Malachie voluntarily assigned to assist the marksman more often on the Nothern Route, something that should surprise Vincent. Looking at it from an author's point of view, I would have Malachie get to know Vincent a little bit (aka, become accustomed to the gunman to the point where he's comfortable in his presence and feels safe with him at his back) before they run into another problem on patrole. Vincent undergos an involuntary transformation once more, only this time Malachie sees it. Oh, the possibilities are endless! I can't wait to see where you go with it!

Another interesting thing is the horm Malachie had at the end of the chapter. I have a sneaking suspicion that it belongs to one anti-social, demonic looking sharpshooter...which is kind of an interesting situation in and of itself. Vincent didn't really lose any body parts in the game that I am aware of, although the blow that broken his horn may have been what knocked him out. In any case, the next time he transforms (come on, there HAS to be a next time!), will he have only the base of one horn, or will it have 'regenerated?' (How can something regenerate if you are never in that form?). Ah, so many questions.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the first chapter and I can't wait to see where you go with this story. It is very intriguing. Keep up the good work!

-Ms. Zeal
Firehedgehog chapter 1 . 11/4/2006
oh... side story _