Reviews for Tangled Web
Dianne060807 chapter 14 . 4/30
Gosh I love this story! Update please! Mark is really sweet! I totally ship Mark and Meredith! They have moved on and they are so sweet together. Perfect even!
Dianne060807 chapter 7 . 4/30
MerMark please. From the dialogues and the interactions, Meredith has moved on and I really love Mark here. So please. I mean I love Derek too but in this fic, I think Mark and Meredith really deserve to be together.
AFanGirlNamedGrace chapter 14 . 8/30/2017
You should have continued this story, it's one of my favorites at it had major potential
mandyg67 chapter 14 . 9/27/2016
I'm enjoying this story and loving the Mark/Addison/Derek triangle. I hope you finish it!
Guest chapter 6 . 11/6/2014
I really wish you would continue on with your story although it has been a long time since your last update!
midnightblupuppy chapter 14 . 2/1/2014
Please update
LianaRamsay chapter 14 . 12/21/2012
I really hope you decide to continue this...can't wait to see more of the Addi/Mark/Der triangle...
Janedoe chapter 14 . 4/2/2012
Please please PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEE update! This story is amazing and I want to know what happens!
belladonna chapter 14 . 1/26/2012
I love this story! it is amazing, and im usually a MerDer lover, but her and Mark are so cute! I cant stop reading, please dont make me!
Gaf1 chapter 14 . 1/3/2012
I LOVE IT! Please update soon!
KiwiPrincess68 chapter 14 . 12/29/2011
OMG, your trying to kill me aren't you? lol i love this story the twist and turns and you truely are evil. like Meredith doesn't have enough to deal with lol can't wait for more please update soon :)
ItComesToThis chapter 14 . 11/6/2011
I cant believe I didnt get to this fanfiction sooner and believe me, I dont want to look like a simple fangirl, but I just cant help it. This is SO AMAZING! ;)) I have to say that actually the best fanfiction I remember reading...and Ive read a lot of them that are about Greys Anatomy. Not so much in other fields, but still, you should be proud. And of course keep going, because I want to read lots of new chapters soon.

I love Greys Anatomy the way it is, but this idea just makes a really strong story and I cant wait how it plays out. I have already seen fanfictions about Meredith getting pregnant and then Addison coming, but none of them had this idea so amazingly written and taken through. Also medical things are a bit more believable then those in the other stories Ive read.

But I have to say - whats unlike on this story - Derek saw a photo of Jeremy after Meredith came to Seattle and I though how the hell does he not recognize his child, but then you said it was a photo from when he was just a baby, so ok, it is possible that he doesnt...but in some chapters I wasnt sure that Mark in your story is really THAT Mark Sloan (I mean, he was really nice and Im not saying Mark in GA isnt nice, but he just behaves in a slightly different way), but after he met Addison I knew that it was him and then there was a thing which I think is important - he knew Derek since he was a kid so theres no way that he wouldnt find out, that Jeremy is Dereks son! I mean Jer is the miniature of his father.

But other than that...just great! 3
mcDreamy's intern97 chapter 14 . 10/30/2011
phew, Im so glad u didn't delete :D and the update was great. I loved it! no mark/addison/derek triangle please. this story is generally about Meredith right? do a mark/meredith/derek triangle instead, but make sure it's mermark in the end. and YES im loving this all the way!
happyseaturtle chapter 13 . 10/23/2011
Amazing story. I truly hope you keep Mark and Meredith together. They are so perfect for eachother. Update soon :)
Dant3 chapter 13 . 10/23/2011
To start, I don't really think that introducing the new interns and making them like the Bailey's group, and even emphasizing it was a very good idea. What purpose to the main plot of the story does it really serve? You mentioned yourself that they probably won't ever appear again in any meaningful way. Why put it in the story, then?

Also, as soon as you named Meredith's New Yorker doctor boyfriend Mark, it was blindingly obvious that it's Mark Sloan, assuming you are good enough writer to recognize the opportunity for the shitstorm that's gonna hit when Meredith, Addison (though I honestly thought that she would be out of Seattle by now), Derek and Mark meet each other for the first time. So, "So Addison and Mark know each other! LOL I had to do it!" was completely pointless, because it's already Grey's Anatomy canon that they know each other pretty well. The biggest problem I have with fanfiction stories is that authors sometimes massively change the premise of the story, like making it happen in High School, which is completely retarded for this fandom, because most episodes are centered about one or two big medical cases and the nuances of doctor's lives.

The third thing that bothered me the most was the manner in which you chose to do the dialogue between the interns. It was like a really bad movie script. Hard to read. Also, be careful about mixing tenses. The whole dialogue was done in Past Tense, but then you put in "Meanwhile Evans is just shaking his head in the affirmative", which is Present Continuous(don't know about the spelling on this one :P)

The last thing, try to make the chapters longer.
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