Reviews for Moonstruck
jasuka chapter 1 . 7/6/2007
A well written short. You've got a talent for language.
Jecca Meitahn chapter 1 . 11/27/2006
aww... Sweet and sad all at once. You've got a great handle on Rattrap here, with his reactions, and thoughts regarding the others, even managing to write out his manner of speaking without making it so thick it's impossible to read.

As I said in my other comment (for Buffoonery), there are a few places where I think there should maybe be commas, but I also have a tendency to overuse commas, so who knows?

Either way, keep up the good work!
nannon chapter 1 . 11/18/2006
love it. very sweet.
Syntia13 chapter 1 . 11/18/2006
*a teardrop upon this story*

Nice and sad, and just how everyone would act - and what he would think of things.
Seiberwing chapter 1 . 11/18/2006
*sniffles* Beautiful, sweet, and completely true to form for Rattrap. I love it.