Reviews for Ranma DewBlossom
Kariston Draconis chapter 5 . 2/4/2012
Hmmm... y'know, there's something to be said for scrolling through a back-catalogue, so to speak. You might just stumble on a particularly shinny gem.
Shinkicker chapter 5 . 9/10/2011
lol, this is pretty cracky. I do like.
Orchamus chapter 5 . 3/18/2010
Ooh, nicce, so Hotaru especially likes onna-Ranma.
Orchamus chapter 4 . 3/18/2010
This is comedy gold. GOLD I TELL YOU!
Jigoku no Yami chapter 5 . 3/3/2010
i had forgotten how good your stories are. I LOVE your fics man. they are AWESOME! I just wonder when Mistress Nine will be free? after all, she could help Ranma take over the world.
NovaBladeZ chapter 5 . 2/16/2010
Sweet story. Unfortunate that it hasn't been updated in a long time. Psycho world domination planning Ranma, deviant Tendo sisters, and insane training techniques. I wonder what else one could learn from abusing themselves? Lighting themself on fire to learn to manipulate flame? There is the soul of ice for ice stuff I suppose... Hope you update sometime!
LycanRed chapter 1 . 1/25/2010
While this story is obviously meant to be humorous, I can see that it has the potential to be a truly great fic. I do not know if you have continued to write since '06 when this was last updated, but I hope that you continue this at some point. Anyway, that is all I wanted to say, cheers.


L chapter 5 . 7/14/2009
update soon
Baughn chapter 5 . 1/14/2009
I love this. It's a great story. However, you do realize..

You're an incredibly cruel being for not continuing this. From the lowest depths of atheist heaven, I think. ;_;
Drashin chapter 5 . 11/22/2008
he realeased lavos aka as the destroyer of planets from chrono trigger this is going to be good
Drashin chapter 3 . 11/22/2008
is mistress 9's former boyfriend the kyuubi?
Blackdex chapter 5 . 9/8/2008
heh, please continue. ciao
FluffyNevyn chapter 5 . 6/26/2008

i believe that was the noise i made after the fight with Jupiter.

Good story, me like. You should write more on it, if you get back into a "silly" mood that is.

Rather than concentrating on Parody, which you mentioned in the AN there, this fic has degenerated into random cliche'd 'silly' with lots of twisties to keep it interesting.
wolf-in-hell chapter 5 . 4/26/2008
You know, you need to update more often, especially the stories you havent in a while. How else are we, the readers, supposed to get our fix? Its too expensive to switch heroine or cocaine...
Larry F chapter 5 . 10/7/2007
Well, this was a very pleasant surprise. It's not often that I find NETTG references in other author's fiction, much less having to ArbyFish as secondary characters. Of course, I didn't know this existed until Ben told me about it.

I especially got a kick out of the reference to the NETTG:TEY sprite comic. Since I co-wrote much of the dialog in that comic, it's very nice to know that you enjoyed it. The Jovian Tournament in "Cut Wood, Shave Bunny" was an arc that we put a lot of work into.

I'm also a fan of Ranma/SM crossovers, and I like the little twists that make this one fall outside the usual run of the mill. I'd very much like to see more.
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