Reviews for With Love
LovesReadingFanfiction234 chapter 1 . 9/6/2016
Please update this and still reading in 2016
Anon chapter 1 . 10/28/2015
THIS FIC IS AMAZING! And I agree with you on everything. Suicide is stupid. I love Haruhi and everyone makes her seem evil... That's all I really needed to say. Good day fair/good... lady/sir. (- Flowers for Kaoru... Don't judge, it's like 4am right now.)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/11/2014
" so just shut up and kiss me "
I think iv heard something like that before in a song or whatever
Guest chapter 1 . 6/6/2014
Woah I'm surprised u didn't have smut after what hikaru said XX
Fem2PItaly chapter 1 . 6/26/2013
Kyaaaa! You made me think that Kao-chan died! DX But then he wasn't, so I was happy. ;) A cute story!
1fallenangel7 chapter 1 . 3/1/2013
li ross chapter 1 . 2/24/2010

Ok, I considered killing you, just as much as Hikaru must have considered killing whoever told him Kaoru was dead, but I ended up enjoying so what can I say?

Now I'm laughing at the fact I almost believed he was dying.

Keep on writing please

Au revoir
PrettyAmethystPrincess chapter 1 . 11/28/2008
Oh my god! This story almost had me in tears! *sniff sniff* And then when I read the ending part, I felt so stupid! .

But anyways, I loved the story!

~PAP :3
ChocoCoatedLemons chapter 1 . 9/21/2008
i was like all sad about this until the end, then i started laughing. I can't get mad at you though, because this was really good
Kuma-cchi chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
Hahah! Hi-five! Yeah I am so sick of those depressing angsty fics about Kaoru pining after Hikaru who completely disses him for Haruhi blah blah.. You rock! You just made my day LOL chapter 1 . 12/1/2007
I'm not sure how many times you've heard this but I'm not angry that you turned a supposedly sad fic into a humor fic. I loved it. I am however mad that you said people who commit suicide are stupid. I think that's insensitive. Thet're just incredibly lost and no one is there for them and believes in them. If you had no one, no one understood how you felt, everyone told you you were fine or if you were fine but they kept saying you weren't. If they turned everything you did into something that showed you were depressed and tried to put you on meds you didn't need, If they told you over and over you were messed and needed help, if no one could except you for who you were. If you've never felt any of those things then no one can expect you to understand. If you believed that no one would miss you when you were gone and no one told you otherwise wouldn't you lose your reason to exist?At some point you'd give up, you'd lose hope. People who commit suicied are not stupid I know people who have. If no one believed in you you'd probablly give up to. Don't ever say people who are lost and feel like they have to reason to go on that are sick of crying themselves to sleep are stupid. They're not.
Hopeless27 chapter 1 . 9/2/2007
aww, that's soo cute! I love the little twist in the end. Kaoru will probably frame the letter or something just to rub it in Hikaru's face. XD
BokuraNoLoveStyle chapter 1 . 7/14/2007
argh ur evil lol i was gettin sad in the beginning see what u did i have tears now! lol but it turned good and it made me giggle heehee
prettybabycatty1109 chapter 1 . 7/12/2007

the letters fooled me

i nearly cried

the end is pretty cute

got my heart XD
i-see-faeries chapter 1 . 1/29/2007
Haha, very amusing. The letter had me going. Loves.
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