Reviews for Mother, Mother
mysteryblossom-SIRVANA chapter 1 . 11/2/2014
Loved it you write nice stories 'ω' hope you write more about kadaj he is my favorite character
lovelessactII chapter 1 . 9/8/2008
THIS WAS AWSOME I LOVED IT I ALMOST CRIED AND I FELT SORRY FOR LUCERCIA dude you should make more chapters for this story
Funkless chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
It's a good possibility to explore, the idea that the SHM may have met Lucrecia. However, I do have some critique:

From DoC, we learn that although Lucrecia is burdened by the grief and guilt she feels for so many past actions she's not insane. Therefore, I do not think she would continue the line of thought that Kadaj is Sephiroth, after he clearly denies he is the one and despite Kadaj and his gang sharing a close physical resembalance to Sephiroth. Although, she would be desperate to see her son and that may explain her initial actions to the SHM. Beyond this, I think it would be interesting to see Lucrecia realize Kadaj is not Sephiroth and try to understand this (she may see the physical similarities and that could lead to some questions by her).

Besides that, this fic has some good potential to further explore this angle/interaction between Lucrecia and SHM. Lucrecia is really quite a static character in the modern day of FFVII, it would be nice to see her bust out of that crystal shell every now and then for more reasons that monologuing to Vincent.
SconemeepT.T chapter 1 . 12/13/2006
Kewl idea for a ficcy! Maybe you should consider continuing it or make a sequel or something. It's great as a oneshot, but it has so much potential as a longer story! I love how you portreyed Kadaj... Go you!
wheatear chapter 1 . 12/5/2006
I really like the idea of this - great premise for a story. The execution is a bit hit and miss, however. Some of the characterisation is off; however childish Kadaj is, I can't see him calling anyone a big fart. With Lucrecia too, some of her reactions seem off: “…are you denying me as your mother?” - rather awkward sentence structure here. Wouldn't the more appropriate response be: "You're not Sephiroth?" There's a great, missed opportunity here for the characters to discover more about each other. I mean, clearly there are three of them, so unless Lucrecia's gone completely mad, she ought to realise something's up.

Also, just a couple of points about the writing. Some of the emotion is quite good, and technically it's mainly okay, except that the dialogue is inconsistent. Example: “There, there, Loz.” He said coolly. The punctuation is incorrect; it should be: “There, there, Loz,” he said coolly. Comma before the dialogue tag and don't capitalise 'he'. Also, speech shouldn't have more than one dialogue tag. e.g. Kadaj narrowed his gaze at her, “Who are you, woman?” he demanded harshly. This should be: Kadaj narrowed his eyes at her. "Who are you, woman?" he demanded harshly.

My second point is that you overuse adverbs. Just look at the above example - did you really need to add 'harshly'? Doesn't the dialogue and the use of the word 'demanded' already convey that? A lot of the time they're redundant and you would be better off omitting them or using a stronger verb which does the job instead. Let the dialogue and action speak for itself. Overqualifying weakens the writing.

I think with some editing this could be much improved. Good luck.
invisiblesplotch chapter 1 . 12/5/2006
This is so sad,, but it's such a great story. the conection between Lucretia and the SHM is definitely interesting and i've never really thought about it, but you've managed to bring it out really nicely, and you've managed to also leave the identity and status of Lu as enigmatic as ever, and that's a good thing as it deepens the mystery and tragedy of the story. All in all, a great job, look forward to reading more FF7 stories from you. Great job