Reviews for Contact
LilyMalf23 chapter 10 . 6/27
This is my second time reading this fanfic and I think I love it even more! I know it's been so many years since you have updated it but I still hope you'll come back to finish the story.
AggieWhoop14 chapter 10 . 6/6
Holy crap! When I clicked on this story this is not what I expected at all! It’s so interesting and heartbreaking and I loved every second of it! You may not be updating anymore but this is fantastic!
Katherine chapter 10 . 5/3
Wow. Went on a deep dive of fic to sate my sudden need for Zennie love and BAM! How did I miss this one back in the day? This is so, so good. Sad, angsty, obviously, but so well written. Hope you're doing well.
Jenny chapter 1 . 4/1
Hi! Well I guess I found you story over 10 years after it was published... I usually don't write that many reviews: English isn't my mother's tongue so I'm a bit uncomfortable leaving reviews with mistakes in them...
But this time I just had to! I found this last night and when I started I couldn't stop (and ended going to bed at 2:30AM crying haha). Your story really moved me, first because it's really well written (it's easy to see you have a way with words) but more than that, it's simply true: a very simple thing can lead to enormous consequences, it's true for each and everyone of us.
So even if it's never finished, thank you for this and if you happen to still read these reviews from time to time, I'm sure some people are still there and would be glad to know the end (I mean, that was one he** of a cliffhanger! ;) ).
Badger33 chapter 10 . 3/27
I know this story hasn't been updated in over ten years and it probably won't be updated again but it it just too good to not comment on! This story is absolutely amazing and I've loved every chapter. Thank you for writing such a wonderful and thrilling story that you just can't help getting invested in. Thank you, and have a great day!
Zeslotud chapter 10 . 12/29/2019
I loved reading this and Im sad that Ill probably will never know the end of that story ;(
Emmerlou5188 chapter 10 . 9/6/2019
If you ever decided that you want to continue this story, I AM HERE FOR IT!
I am so intrigued!
You're a really talented writer, thank you so much for this!
bumblebebe chapter 10 . 5/6/2019
Aw man, I know it's been a over a decade and you'll probably never finish this but that is a cruel cliffhanger. You have a way of words, and I'm glad I was able to read this even though it made me cry. Here's hoping inspiration will find you again.
Guest chapter 10 . 3/26/2019
Will this great story continue?
marvelfoodlover chapter 10 . 3/10/2019
i know it's been a while since you updated, but I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love this (although I do hate the fact that you left with such a cliffhanger).
Guest chapter 10 . 1/4/2019
What!? That's it!?
ValidescopeWest chapter 10 . 11/18/2018
This is such an awaited story. I too found it like ten or eleven years after the last update. I wish it was finished somewhere. I can only imagine what happened next. I mean Jackie’s dad probably still went to jail and now that Hyde and Jackie are married with a child the statutory rape case could probably be thrown out right? Also, someone has to know that story is off. Especially since now that Jackie can tell her side of Kelso attacking Hyde first and getting hit at the house. Where the hell were the nosey neighbors?! I be their was a witness on that street somewhere. Also it’s crazy that Fez moves to the same state that they did. I hope they get in touch with him when they get back home. It’s only two and a half hours away. I hope that one day you come back and finish. I could see about two maybe three really good in depth chapters wrapppng this story up. Again it’s absolutely wonderful.
RuffianHyde chapter 10 . 8/16/2018
Aw why did all the great writers quit? So many unfinished stories with awesome potential!
anilez chapter 10 . 8/11/2018
I saw the upload date. I saw the update date. I did the math. 11 years since the last update and still I read it. Why did I read it? Why is it so good and why is it abandoned? please. please. please update. it is so good, I need to know what happens next! I'm just gonna pretend Red makes it and he and Kitty decide to go to Duluth with Jackie, Hyde and Michelle. oh and that Eric leaves Donna and apologizes for ruining his brother's life in point place. yep, that's the ending (but please update).
TheeePunkin chapter 1 . 7/9/2018
Oh my god, please continue!
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