Reviews for No Burden to Carry
Sallyannerenee chapter 1 . 1/31/2016
This is just beautiful. I love fanfics that fill in the gaps between scenes. Just enough angst here to be believable, too.
Toothtooth chapter 1 . 8/31/2015
Omg this is so fluffy and cute and brotherly and holy hell it was good
TheBlackForest chapter 1 . 4/21/2014
Aww I nedd coffee or something. I'm exhausted. But I'm staying *wink*. Sam and Dean are gold in every way...
Kubi-Beutlin chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
the part in the end with the carrying was the best. I loved your story! Really, really touching!
Hunnique chapter 1 . 4/27/2010
What a lovely, lovely piece of writing.

Sam just stares at nothing. He sees nothing on the wall, on the floor, in the corner. He sees nothing everywhere and he can't stop looking at it, but stops everything to watch nothing as it does nothing…because observing nothing is so much easier than looking at his brother.

This is the jewel in a wonderful treausure box.
kirallie chapter 1 . 8/19/2008
Good work!
amyblair chapter 1 . 7/31/2008
Nicely done. I like the present tense. Very brave of you. Hardly anyone writes like that. You pulled if off well.

Sweet story. And, yes, I agree - they did need a couple of more minutes alone in the locked room.

Damn Kripke.
HollyBush chapter 1 . 7/9/2007
I so needed a little moment like this. Great stuff!

Sera and Tails chapter 1 . 4/2/2007
Aw gee...'cause sometimes we just need that chickflick moment.

Loved it. You had me at: “Dean,” he begins, voice crumbling beneath nervous tears. “You stayed.”


addisonjade chapter 1 . 1/28/2007
Wow. This totally made my eyes water. Really powerful, I have to admit. Infinitely more sad than I was ready for. I kind of wish the show had had a moment like this, something that didn't just gloss over what happened. But hey, that's what fanfic is for, I guess ;)
Breila chapter 1 . 1/12/2007
Just beautiful! That episode cried out for a fic like this one. Thanks for sharing.
snfan chapter 1 . 1/11/2007
Great story! That was cute.
JazzyIrish chapter 1 . 12/14/2006
Loved this fic. An ending like this would have been very satisfying - and probably would have prevented many things from being thrown at TVs across the nation. BTW, I like your present tense writing and I think it fits this scene.

I loved the way you described Dean keeping himself busy; we know our boy would rather do anything than have a "chick flick" moment. But alas, our poor Sammy can't control his tears again. You do a wonderful job of describing how Dean is okay with just being there for Sam, but not necessarily okay with letting out his own emotions because he scares himself and Sam when he does. But Dean does admit that he can't carry on without Sam - "because none of this matters without you here". Just pulled at my heart and soul.

And the ending was powerful:

He’s carrying Sam—ever since the fire, out of the fire, away from the fire…and he is no burden to carry.

So for that, for Sam, he knows it won’t be too difficult to find the strength to carry on a little while longer.

I really believe that Dean is reaching the end of his proverbial rope. We've watched it all season. I thought that the clinic scene between Sam and Dean was one of the most poignant of the season and I think that you have done a fabulous job of sensing the boys' reactions to it in this fic. You write the boys' inner turmoils so well! And in such a satisfying way.

Thanks for sharing your amazing talent with us again. I'm ignoring your thoughts of not posting more fics, Kitten. Surely you wouldn't do that to us! Until next time, then...
Adara-chan67 chapter 1 . 12/12/2006
Okay, so firstly, I'm sorry I didn't review sooner. I haven't been on the computer since Saturday. Finals. Fun, huh?

Secondly, I really liked this, which you probably guessed since I like everything you do. It was kind of short, which was disappointing at first, but then I saw that making it longer would only take away from it, so I'm fine with the length now.

I'm glad you got more chick-flicky than they did in the episode. SO CLOSE, dammit...and then that stupid doctor came in and RUINED it! I liked her up until then, but let me tell ya, now I'm not so sure she didn't have the virus...

Well, anyways. Don't ever stop writing, or you will have one devoted reader who will be extremely heartbroken! I can't wait to read the next chapter of Grayscale, either. Fics are the only things that will keep me going until January 11, so kindly keep them coming!

And now I believe it's time for me to politely take my leave and catch up on everything ELSE I've missed in the last three days. Sayonara!

Kaewi chapter 1 . 12/12/2006
Very nice. The present tense worked for me because it felt natural, and was consistent.

"Sam seems to hear it now, or at least he appears to be listening for it. It’s in the all the things Dean was not saying- he might as well be screaming, swearing I’d die without you, Sam."

That part is my favourite. Very touching, and so fitting and in character, because Dean would never say that out loud of course. One part confused me though..

"And then they’ll laugh, finish packing and hit the long road in front of them."

Is that implying that they are going to take off while Sam is infected? I figured they planned to stay in the room until the end. Or is it a metaphor for what is about to happen in that room?
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