Reviews for The After-Earth Chronicles
Shane C chapter 1 . 6/29/2005
Very good, bravo. I look forward to reading the rest. Everyone is very much in character - the only thing out of place was the quickness with which Rachel apologized to Ax. Other than that, excellent start. Happy writing!
rockergurl13 chapter 3 . 6/16/2005
that was most likely the absoulate best story i've ever read. and i'm not doing the ! and all capital letters b/c to me, it shows less meaning, and this is truely exceptional
Octobers-Blessing chapter 3 . 11/24/2004
That was so good! Even though the animorphs didn't win earth it was awesome! I liked how you caputured Ax's feelings coming back to the home world.
Tupper chapter 3 . 11/11/2002
Wow...that's all I can say. Wow. You have an amazing ability to write, and it had a nice flowing motion as well. Bravo!
ICEman9 chapter 1 . 3/13/2002
You know, Im not even an animrphs fan, but...that was absolutely a beautiful plot ...I love the way you introduced the whole situation...u really should consider professional, my novella doesnt hold a candle to this ( even thought its orignal.) I just...i dont know what to say
Saiyan Jalapeno chapter 3 . 3/6/2002
your ending was way better than what K.A Applegate wrote! She basically ruined the whole series!*ARGH* but if YOU wrote the stories that whould be way better!
morpherkidvb chapter 3 . 12/21/2001
I read this pre-54 on uhahrapters site. I loved it then, i love it now.
Minna chapter 3 . 7/8/2001
*Sniff sniff*
Tyoko chapter 3 . 7/5/2001
that was REALLY good! i loved the plot, and i could really get into the story. you're a very talented writer
Aximili chapter 3 . 6/19/2001
NateSean chapter 3 . 6/10/2001
Great story...
Ginger chapter 3 . 4/30/2001
that was great! nice job!
Anifan1 chapter 3 . 4/1/2001
WOW! Are you going to add more?
OrcaPotter chapter 3 . 3/14/2001
I finally ventured out of the Potter realm and into the other categories of books that I love. Animorphs being right at the top. Let me just say that this fic is the most well written, realistic, and awesome that I have read for Animorphs this far! Fantastic, fantastic job! It would be very interesting for you to write a sequel, with all of them going back to Earth to liberate it. It's gonna take stories like this one to keep Animorphs alive after the series ends in a few months. Kudos! and KEEP WRITING!

Quill A. Masquerade chapter 1 . 2/25/2001
I like the way you showed all of the Animorphs' emtions. ITs pretty good.
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