Reviews for The Romantical Events of Christmas Eve
Wheels on da bus chapter 1 . 2/11/2017
yay chapter 1 . 9/30/2012
I like the Hanz thing...actually, most of it.
Wolfe7 chapter 1 . 1/13/2010
An excellent piece of literal art :D - just like your other fics.

I just loved the letter - The part about him being a genius, and that of the hitman were just fantastic.
isadorator chapter 1 . 1/5/2010
Ah, if I only I read this a little earlier, it would have been a perfect accompaniment to the holidays. Very nice fic, favourite parts were the arguement of fail between Hermoine and Ron, as well as Harry's will. I'm quite surprised at how fast you made me warm up to Dean/Ginny, since I've never read stuff with them as a steady couple and still together at the end of the story. Thank you for an excellent read!
Just a Fan chapter 1 . 5/17/2009

Swedish hitman named Hanz

Loved it!
MissGrammarFreak chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
Oh, I loved it! Just...beautiful. Yes, I said beautiful, because humor is beauty and so is love and the perfct blend of both of those is beautiful. (No, that doesn't make sense to me either.)

My favorite bit was the letter. And Draco, sitting by the fireplace. It makes him sound like a defenseless little kid: "Santa Cwause is weal, I knows it!"

Oh yes, and I can't forget Ginny's insinuating that Harry wrote a love letter to McGonagall... Hmm... An ineresting ship that would make...


Um, well, fantastic story. Lovely, lovely, lovely, and beautiful.
LeeeB chapter 1 . 1/12/2008
*insasne giggle*

oh, yes absolutly amazing

love it
Kelly chapter 1 . 1/9/2008
Hilarious! I love it!
sophia666 chapter 1 . 11/9/2007
Great story, even if it was really fluffy. I especially loved Harry's will. Great writing.
JJ Rust chapter 1 . 8/24/2007
Enjoyable story. Ron/Hermione arguments are always fun to read. And I love Harry's reaction to all this, trying in vain to stay out of it. And a great ending.
The Wigmonsters chapter 1 . 8/10/2007
I never believed in Santa Claus or Jesus. Or Moses or Noah.

Or God.

I did try, I'm just not mentally capable of it.

*holds up sign that says, 'ATHEIST' in large, friendly letters*
Atoile chapter 1 . 7/17/2007
Heh. Harry's letter was brilliant. The whole thing is very funny.
WorldOfLilyEvans chapter 1 . 7/11/2007
I totally agree. Harry is a genius. Ron and Hermione are crazy. Santa Claus is real. But did you know that he stole his name from the Dutch children's icon Sinterklaas or formally known as Sint Nicolaas, who comes over every November from Spain to hand out gifts on the fifth of December? He was born in Turkey, actually. He wairs red and white and has a big staff and a bunch of Zwarte Pieten, kind of Santa's Elves but bigger and blacker, working for him. That is a big subject of controversy in Holland every has a horse as well. He walks over the rooftops with it and sends his helpers down the chimneys to leave behind the presents. Yep, he is a kind old man, he is. I don't think I've ever been in his Book of Bad Children. I wonder how that happened. I guess it takes a lot to anger the man...

You should update Adrift in a World before I forget the plot!

-x- Malou
PMON chapter 1 . 7/1/2007
I don't know if you check reviews for one-shots, but this is one of the funniest things I have read in quite some time, and it even inspired me to review, which is almost unheard of, as sadly I'm fairly lazy. And I appear to have run out of things to say, and left myself without an effective way to end this. Oh bother.
Rebel Goddess chapter 1 . 6/6/2007
Giggled over this so much. I especially liked the homework in an airport locker touch. Great stuff.
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