Reviews for The Light of the Chosen One
serenity600 chapter 1 . 4/13/2007
weird; a mix of different time periods.

And whats with "Brigila of Briar, Niciliara of Niagra, and Kemerly of Kent"?

First off those aren't places from "Alanna"

And secondly the people have similiar names to the place their from which sounds like ur trying to be poetical.


And by the way, its "Alanna" not "Aleanna"!
CaramelBoost chapter 5 . 4/10/2007
... Does this mean you've abandoned this story? Or are you going to continue? Please continue; it's great!

x Caramel
CaramelBoost chapter 4 . 1/7/2007
Hey great story! i just have no idea what story this is from... but i've read Tamora Peirce's books before, so i know it must be good. I like the charecter Jon, he's my WAY favourite...

Update soon!

x Angel
ruriginryu chapter 4 . 1/5/2007

Great story. Again, your charectors have more depth of personality than many stories out there.

Also, Update if you love me...please... ;( on both the Lost Dragon and The Light of the Chosen One

Ruri-Gin Ryu-.:_:.
Donna di Scalotta chapter 1 . 12/31/2006
This is Yeah, confusing's a good word. Do you think this should be in TP or in original fiction?
AlannaXJon4ever chapter 2 . 12/30/2006
i really dont get this but is alanna's name supposed to be mispelled and is this after alanna's time?