Reviews for Eve
reddwarfaddict chapter 7 . 1/4/2008
O it's like Xena, isn't it? All the Gods were scared of Xena's baby Eve 'cause it was prophesised she'd bring about their downfall. Hmm, I dunno if it's like that, guess I'll just have to keep on reading! But you're annoying y'know, they HAVE to get back to each other now. I'm a sucker for a good ending.
reddwarfaddict chapter 6 . 1/4/2008
This is intriguing! I love it! And I'm going to keep on reading :D
this account will be dead soon chapter 20 . 7/13/2007
Brilliant! :)
AzaleaDatura-in-the-Folly chapter 10 . 6/11/2007
I LOVE this story every time I read it. It has romance, and angst and the proportions they have with one another are amazing. Please keep writing stories. I love the way this story flows and how the idea is completely orginal. Keep it up. Ramona-Theta
Stelz chapter 20 . 4/28/2007
AW no! don't end it! but I do have a question wouldn't they want Marth to help with the Bith of Jack? I mean wouldn't regular doctors try to take the baby away from her? it makes sence that they wold asked her!

anyway please write More
Kiya chapter 20 . 3/23/2007
Wonderful story! This is just the thing to beat the Doomsday blues XD
Julia chapter 20 . 1/18/2007
I loved all of it... My heart did a big leap for joy lol thank you for finishing the story!
gaiafreedom21 chapter 20 . 1/17/2007
fantastic finish.

are you going to do a sequel?

will the Doctor and Rose take their son to see the man he was named after captain Jack?

will they have more children?

can't the Doctor set up a crossdimensional telephone or video link so Rose can speak to her mother/see her mother and little brother? and so Jackie can see her grandson?

i'll stop asking questions now!
gaiafreedom21 chapter 19 . 1/16/2007
i hope by a graphic ending you don't mean someone's going to get killed?
Angel452 chapter 20 . 1/15/2007
Will there be a sequel? Will Captain Jack make an appearance? How will Jack react to the fact that the Doctor and Rose named their first child after him? Please post a sequel.
Kasara chapter 20 . 1/15/2007
I loved it!

It was really really good!

One of the best Doctor Who stories I've read.

*hands the author a book grammy*

Oh yeah
Lady-SM chapter 11 . 1/15/2007
I'm half way through, and shall keep going til the end and review again, but I'm just checking;

Is 'I'm pregnant, not incapacitated' a quote from Farscape PKW? Or just a massive coincidence?

Love the story, can't wait for the doctor to come back, hope he does,

Like I say I'll review again at the end SMx
HarryWhoFanatic chapter 20 . 1/15/2007
oh, bravo! Masterfully done! The er, detail, in all chapters, but particularly this one, was appreciated. *evil grin*

I loved every bit of this story, u did a fantastic job. Sequel, please!

Doctored chapter 20 . 1/15/2007
This is brilliant! but its not the end just yet is it?

Kreacher Black chapter 16 . 1/15/2007
very very very good

is the baby going to be a boy or girl?

keep up the good work
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