Reviews for Empty Spaces
Mlanie762 chapter 1 . 4/26/2016
I cried like a baby at this scene... I'm crying all over again!... T-T It was really well written and, once again, kinda helped me understand the game even more... I really could feel what Axel "felt", and I know I would have done the same thing to get my best friend back. Well done!
Risu Alto chapter 1 . 11/19/2015
Oh, this was so beautiful. I love the way you wrote Axel and even Sora, and my heart breaks at the little fragments of Roxas. Thanks for a good read.
ever-lethargic chapter 1 . 6/1/2014
Omg I'm tearing up right now! I freaking love Roxas and Axel! Their story is just so sad!
Takara yume chapter 1 . 3/15/2013
I'll be honest-this made me tear up-/chokes/gosh...and this is exactly why I should avoid stories that included these scenes-they were the saddest for me-/crais/anyways-great story-it's amazing-I love how you came up of possible thoughts and emotion Axel may have had-and wahh-everything just fits so perfectly-Q 7 Q well done as usual ; 7 ; ))/
Nano111Desu chapter 1 . 8/23/2012
Now I'm seriously crying TT This was sadder than Hollow Heart...
ChibiGirlXD chapter 1 . 6/5/2012
Brilliant! TT

I love the way you told this.. XD It was just SO in-character.. Heart-breaking! XD Wonderful job! ToT
XCiViLwArX chapter 1 . 7/25/2011
That was very beautiful. Its was so sad but im glad that in the end Axel confessed and Roxas felt the same very well done id favorite it if it didnt make me cry
inhx chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
I hate reliving through this scene everytime I play the game!

And your writing is so beautiful and perfect that it makes it so much more painful to imagine...

I just want to ball up and cry and vent out the frustration for why Axel and Roxas had to disappear!... Sigh.

Great job with this fanfic though...!

bosniadovlin chapter 1 . 2/14/2009
Well, that was depressing- but good, as are all the rest of your stories.
Duskri chapter 1 . 9/24/2008
...Again, another great one.
JesusRox7111 chapter 1 . 9/16/2008
Omgoodness, so sad! I loved it! It was sweet, and I especially loved the last sentence:)
Ionawrites chapter 1 . 6/18/2008
Oh my gosh, this story made me cry, and only about two or three stories have done that propaly, like big tears rolling down my face. Not just damp eyes.

The end just got me, it was just so beautiful and moving, your such a amazing writer.

Good luck in your text fics!

TempestSilvermoon chapter 1 . 6/1/2008
I always cry at this scene in the game, but this story made me bawl! This is so beautifully written, there are just no words to describe how perfect you captured this moment and how true Axel's thoughts ring with me. You made them completely believable within the canon story and this would have been a permit compliment to it. Wonderful work, as always.
Krivoklatsko chapter 1 . 4/25/2008
Very sad. Well done changing POV makes a whole new story. You captured canon right too. Now excuse me while I go cry.
13th Shadow chapter 1 . 4/19/2008
OMG. That was...

OMG! *goes all chokey* That was... really hard to read.

And I thought WATCHING it was killer painful!

Bitter sweet. How horribly bitter sweet. I seriously don't know whether to hate you or love you for writing such a lovely story with extra insights, but writing it a bit too well that it got me overly emotionally involved before hitting that really painful moment I never wanted to be reminded of again.

Seeing as I have only one story left to read of the 49 or so I have been indulging in (a thought that terrifies me, btw... not to have anything left to read to keep my own darkness at bay)I may just have to go back and pick some of the more happy-endings stories to leave off on!
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