Reviews for Natural Children
fantasychica37 chapter 3 . 12/28/2013
Kingsdaughter613 chapter 5 . 8/5/2012
Having read other myths (particularly the Eddas which the Sil clearly takes a good deal of its format from) I do not believe it is a throwaway line and is intended to be read as is. But this story truly gives a depth and feeling to that fascinating relationship that must have been. Great job.
Glory Bee chapter 5 . 3/29/2012
This was very special. I loved how compassionately you wrote Maglor in particular and it read true to me. Thanks for sharing your gift of writing. :
Fortune Zyne chapter 5 . 2/26/2012
For all their faults, the two brothers, Maedhros and Maglor did right by those two twins, by sparing their lives and raising them to adulthood as their own. (I personally think it was to adulthood at least.) It seems to me, at least that they cared more for those two than their own birth mother did, as she had no qualms in leaving them behind to an uncertain fate to escape with the Silmaril.
Alfirineth chapter 5 . 7/29/2011
What an awesome story. It was well put together and very nicely edited.

Lots of emotions. You portrayed the characters real enough that it put me in mind of my own children.

Looking forward to reading some of your other stuff.
FireFly07 chapter 5 . 5/8/2010
Awww. Sweet ending to a sweet story... I'm sad it's over, but I suppose that sometimes you can't have too much of a good thing. ;) I'm impressed by your theory on Maglor's bond with the twins, which is something that I have never tackled before, and probably never will...All the same, wonderful job, and hope to see more of this...
FireFly07 chapter 4 . 5/8/2010
Still loving it! I rarely read any "long" fic that grasps my attention, so you did excellent on this! The part where they were rescuing Elrond was really cool, too-for most, it's hard to "keep consistent," if you know what I mean. I like the ending, too- Maedhros comforting a crying Maglor, and a crying Elros alone in his room! *cries too* Brilliant work.
FireFly07 chapter 3 . 5/8/2010
Aww! I love how you portray all the characters! You also make it easy to understand Elros, which to me would've been quite a challenge! Great work, and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this!
FireFly07 chapter 2 . 5/8/2010
This has just a balanced amount of seriousness and playfulness to it. I love it! And, personally, I'm glad that Maedhros came to visit..heheh. Still going to read the next chapters! :) Loving it!
FireFly07 chapter 1 . 5/8/2010
Awww. This was cute. The start was so sad but the end was so lighthearted! I like how you made them merge. :) Nice work.
asdfjkl chapter 5 . 3/7/2009
i loved it! i think you've really nailed down this family's odd situation. and i adore the silmarillion!

well done-awesome characters, solid plot, very well written.

keep writing!
Jimmy Candlestick chapter 5 . 4/5/2008
aww...i really enjoyed this.
Lady M chapter 2 . 6/26/2007
OMFG, this story is so freakin' GOOD. A little sad in parts, too.
IVIaedhros chapter 5 . 5/2/2007
Well, here I am again...I like how you chose one small incident to sort of explain their whole relationship. I think it worked out since it seems to have made it easier for you to show us how they related to each other instead of simply telling. My big question now is how these four got along as the years passed. Heh, can you imagine the teenage angst?
ScarlettPendragon chapter 5 . 2/12/2007
What a terrific story! You have really captured the torment the twins must feel at hearing the story of their mother!

Poor Elros is so angry at Maglor, in spite of Maglor's care and love for him, that I can see the seeds beings sown for Elros' eventual decision to embrace the Doom of Man. And Poor Elrond clinging to his remembrance (belief?) that their Mother leapt from the window!

I have always been terribly bothered by Elwing's desertion of her children (what a horrible Mother!), and I love the relationship you have fostered here between Maglor and the boys, and I was so worried that Elros' behaviour would somehow cause real permanent damage to it, so I was relieved to see how understanding Maglor was!

This is an amazing story - thank you so much for sharing it with us!

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