Reviews for The Prodigy
The Written One chapter 65 . 7/19/2009
This was the greatest WORST WITCH FanFic I've read in my entire life... I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! Read all 65 chapters in one day! I absolutely love Esther and her Aunt Constance's relationship, being a big HB fan, it was especially awesome to see that side of Constance coming out.

The grammar and spelling was not the greatest, and that usually detracts from a fic for me, but I was just so engrossed I hardly noticed it.

THANK YOU for such a wonderful, well written, LONG story, and I really hope you'll update even though you haven't in a year. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!
Nina1985 chapter 1 . 8/1/2008
Please update soon, I really love this story
lhw chapter 65 . 6/10/2008
hi still love it

worth waiting for
shellyhazeleyes chapter 64 . 4/10/2008
shellyhazeleyes chapter 1 . 4/8/2008
Please continue the story. I have waiting forever. I love this story.
lhw chapter 63 . 11/17/2007
it was real good like always please continue with the story
lhw chapter 62 . 11/4/2007
hi i real love your story with cc and esther&aunt constance it is very good pleas continue i look forworth to rest of story sory i am form belguim sory for my bate spell words
Sue Denham chapter 59 . 8/29/2007
The strain is certainly showing at Cackle's. It's not often that Miss Cackle loses her rag.

With CC's comment at the end I'm wondering when they are going to be able to return. A part of me is surprised that HB hasn't got withdrawl symptoms from her potions lab
Sue Denham chapter 57 . 8/22/2007
Miss Bat must be stressed. It's unlike her to hand out detention or lines...Mind you it's not every day she has to try and teach potions.

If the potion lab isn't cleared up, I can just imagine her hiding in the stationary cupboard for the rest of term.
EnglishPrincessRose chapter 56 . 8/9/2007
Wow - I really enjoyed this story so far. Especially Miss Hardbroom's relationship with little Ester! It is really quite sweet - I loved the 'you negotiated with a four your old?' I can't wait until Cressida turns up!

Love H x
Sue Denham chapter 56 . 8/6/2007
I guess I was expecting fur to be flying between HB and her parents... Who knew they'd turn out to be understanding.

Why do so many kids hate green vegetables? I love broccoli, although HB may have made Esther hate the stuff for life now.

CC's not doing herself any favours with constantly getting into trouble...I somehow think that she'll never learn.

I have often wondered... why is Mrs Tapioca's food so bad. She seems like a decent sort but the stuff that comes out of the kitchen is inedible.

And Miss Bat teaching potions! I'd be afraid.
Sue Denham chapter 54 . 7/30/2007
Boy, you're fairly rattling through the parts at the moment. I occasionally forget who's who as there are so many characters in the story but I get there in the end; I just need the odd refresher.

Morgana likes a touch of catnip then? One zonked out little cat on the way home. Yay I always knew HB had a sense of humour.

I hate it when a plot gets away from you and you have to work round getting people out of it so that you can get on. Looking forward to seeing you take this where you want to see it going.
Sue Denham chapter 51 . 7/23/2007
Yay, thanks for the update. It's nice to see that there is another side to HB. Looking forward to finding out what the issue is with her and her parents.

When work permits, more please.
Sue Denham chapter 50 . 7/8/2007
Love the last line; that's typical HB.

Yay for such quick update. I see things are moving on now and I'm looking forward to seeing how things develop in HB's old home.

I should have realised that low ranked wizards wouldn't understand about cats... you do have to explain certain things to them very, very clearly.
Cabbage137 chapter 1 . 7/6/2007

I've really enjoyed reading this story so far and I hope you continue with it. I always new Miss Hardbroom had a soft centre and this story really shows how much she cares even if she keeps a stern tone of voice most of the time. CC's character really interests me, the contrast of her innocence and her intelligence is great!

Keep up the good work :)

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