Reviews for What's Killing Me
Chezlee chapter 1 . 1/14/2008
Not bad, VERY GOOD! This sums up everything in Rodney's eyes in that few seconds when he says that line to Ronon. I especially love the last 4 lines, very concise and biting...very Rodney.
Dream Painter chapter 1 . 4/16/2007
That was NOT bad writing! (why I haven't told you that yet, I'm not sure, but) This is my second time reading this and I think it's lovely. Very touching and poignant.
Amaq Iraluq chapter 1 . 1/31/2007
Nice tag. Sad, but good.
UhSir chapter 1 . 1/19/2007
It's not bad. It's like reading a journal. Poor Rodney, he's so misunderstood, even by himself.
twinchaosblade chapter 1 . 1/19/2007
Oh, Sue

I broke down crying while reading this. You sent me all the way sobbing again, not that I had ever stopped since...

This drabble was absolutely beautifully written. You captured Rodney feelings so perfectly IMHO, with the best lines being 'She could be the one, or she could be my latest romantic failure. But I'll always know this: My feelings for her have cost me too much.' and 'He was my best friend. I loved him like a brother, and I sold him out for my own convenience.'. He knows it's to no avail but he can't help feeling guilty for his part in Carson's untimely demise. Atlantis will never be the same without our beloved Scottish doctor.

There will never be the like of him again... *cheers, Carson*
Psycho-WarBaby chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
Just one word describe this:

Knightgirl4Jack chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
Don't you dare say this crap! Ever! It made me cry like a baby. Look, I even have to wipe the tears of my laptop. Poor, poor Carson... Nothing written concerning his fate is crap. So if i hear that word concerning this story again, I'll hunt you down and make you regret it. Kk? Good. Love the angst.
das-Diddy chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
O.O Wow...this was great...but spoiler? Did you see "sunday"? I don't know if it was already on tv or not because I live in europe...Please don't tell me that Carson really dies in that episode. Please...if you know would you be so nice and write me back? I'm dying here because I only can see the episodes on youtube.

But your story was really really good. I'll fav it, so I can read it later again...and aigain. :)
GaterGina71 chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
Oh Sue, its not bad, its fantastic. I could hear him saying this. And in a sense, probably everyone who said no to go fishing was probably thinking or feeling the same way. You really captured him well. Greta job!
Anonymous chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
That was NOT bad, it was excellent!

Carson's gonna be back in season 4, you know, according to many internet sources and even the SGA people, so don't keep Carson out of future stories! There are Carson fans out there that NEED to read about him!
kreek1065 chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
Bad writing? Are you kidding? This is beautiful! Especially the last part. I can hear McKay saying this.

sammy chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
OMG! that brought the episode all back. im not gonna cry. im not! *sniffles*. i cant believe they actually killed him!
jaws chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
if you can't get your feelings out yourself, you can always get them out through Rodney . . . I wish that episode was a lie! I want Carson back . . . keep him alive in Fanfiction and keep up the good work!
McRaider chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
I hope you don't get this twice, if you do sorry. This was beautiful...sad but so true. This epsiode was heartbreaking and I hope no one plays it off as otherwise. Thank you for being true to the show.

Mischief Tea chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
It's still so raw...

The only thing that makes me cringe is that I can't but cry.

And I did cry. This made me break down all over again.

He just wanted to go fishing... Oh god. I can't keep writing this.
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