Reviews for Trust
lazy-afternooner chapter 1 . 12/21/2007
so cute.

love love loved it :)
silver moon droplet chapter 1 . 9/7/2007
i like roxas's declaration of love.

and namie was all dreaming


it was good. because it was liek awwh

love love love. even teh mention of the

sex god.

good job.
uchihakiriko chapter 1 . 8/21/2007
rippling0water0eyes chapter 1 . 8/16/2007



at first, during the nightmare, i was like" WTF? ROXAS, NO!" and then i was ilke, dying when it was a nightmare, and i was like... GAH! I BELIEVED IT! DARN YOU AND YOUR SLY TRICKERY!

but it was so god!


loved it. great job :)
haru-teri22 chapter 1 . 8/16/2007

your first is totally awesome!

but compared to your other ones you have improved

ugh i hate you for making it angsty at the end :[

but i love you because it's so good!
SecretBox chapter 1 . 7/9/2007
::blinks:: This is your first fanfic? Period? Like, at all? Woah. WOW. Way better than both my first fic AND my first KH fic combined. Together. Man, seriously! That was amazing! It had a different feel to it than anything I've ever read before (I can't explain how, but it just DID) but not in a bad way. No. Not at all. I loved it, actually. Roxiné is love.
Randomboulder chapter 1 . 6/22/2007
Sweet! I can totally imagine it. My favourite bit is when Naminé is thinking "we're just friends, right?" and it just keeps getting a little bigger. _

(Yes, after your SoraxKairi I had to check out a NaminéxRoxas of yours and it's also really good!)

They didn't have enough time in the game. And yes. Roxas's pajama's are divine. XD
Ellie-ellie chapter 1 . 5/15/2007
absolutely adorable

kudos to you
kai lun an chapter 1 . 4/21/2007
I thought the ending was cute.


I was crying up until the end.

:o This one was your first?


[on the faves]
jiv3y chapter 1 . 4/11/2007

Ohh I loved the ending. It was amazing!
Kinpaginpa chapter 1 . 1/31/2007
Aww, that's sad, Roxas is going to leave and forget all about Namine. I'm glad they got one last night together. I like the idea of this story, it is a little strange, but I really liked it.
MistyRose14 chapter 1 . 1/30/2007
whoa, thank you for that awesome oneshot. it was written wonderfully, and i could really feel the emotions that they were feeling. merci beaucoup!
Darkeiya chapter 1 . 1/19/2007
This fic gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Very cute, and nicely written as well. 8D
Quandosonosolo chapter 1 . 1/19/2007
aww, love it RoxasxNamine r so cute. Great job!
Snowlia chapter 1 . 1/18/2007
That was wonderful! Well written with just a good amount of romance and drama. A lot of one-shot Roxas/Namine fics don't really go into the fact that they don't have a heart and the horror that goes with that (which is weird cause that's the whole point of their existance in the game...) and yours got that. I also liked how you finished with not exactly a happliy-ever-after but not a ending that leaves you in tears. I would love to hear more Roxas/Namine one-shotsf rom you.

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