Reviews for Do The Math
Light8mare chapter 10 . 6/10/2016
When I saw the bit in chapter one set up like an episode, I assumed it a throwaway attempt to make the story seem more like the show, like an overcompensation. I was wrong. I don't believe I have ever encountered a fic that's so much like it's original counterpart that I am struggling not to add it to my memory of canon, and yet you have achieved that. My mind is blown. This work is stupendous. Everything I aspire for my own. Everything was perfect. Thank you for a well-worth read.
Gianna di Fiori chapter 10 . 2/18/2016
This was interesting and fun to read. It was nice to have a story with a plausible plot, great character development, stong emotions, and just an overall enjoyable feel to it.
b00kw0rms chapter 10 . 1/22/2013
Haha this is amazing! I loved it. I gotta say, you did Larry perfectly! Some people overdo him and others just can't get how he rambles with a point at the same time. I also loved the bros action, with a sprinkle of Amitia. Perfection!
Cutter12 chapter 10 . 8/13/2012
I think Charlie acted very true to form in your story. Thanks for writing this.
vampyfreak chapter 10 . 5/20/2009
Awesome fic! I really loved it!
zookitty chapter 10 . 1/13/2009
LOVE this ending! SERIOUSLY. I LOVE how you tied in the plot line from earlier. Your brilliant. You deserve to publish, or screen write or something. You are absolutely brilliant

zookitty chapter 9 . 1/13/2009
hahaha I LOVE Colby talking to Adrian in this chapter. Never mess with a guy who has a fed as a brother. hahah words of wisdom there ;)

haha Charlie is lucky! love it

zookitty chapter 8 . 1/13/2009
I LOVE this chapter. Especially Alan calling four times. Brilliant. YOu could honestly be a show writer the way you have these characters master.

zookitty chapter 7 . 1/13/2009
This story is amazing! I LOVE it. I've been reading it all day and I wanted to review every chapter but I hadn't got a chance until now.

But I love this story! I'm seriously suggesting it to every numb3rs fan I know! This could honestly be an episode, it's written in that style, the characters are perfect! It's so well thought out and you even use the math! I'm so impressed.

Favorite scene so far is Don in this chapter talking to Charlie, his bending spagetti thing. -I should be flattered they want me dead?- haha amazing
playingnormal chapter 8 . 12/25/2008
I didn't trust that Adrian kid from the moment he appeared in the grocery store. :O

Still see a few spelling mistakes here and there, but those might just be typos. Otherwise, your writing's really great. I love this story. :D
playingnormal chapter 1 . 12/25/2008
So far, I've really liked the first chapter. You write very well, thought there are a few spelling and grammar mistakes that I noticed (spelling 'tied' 'tide', etc.) that could be fixed with the help of a beta. I hope the second chapter is just as good. :)
Way Walker chapter 10 . 9/14/2008
Wonderful. Your story was a very interesting read , a nice plot and you write Charile really well. I loved reading this.
ape1013 chapter 10 . 8/31/2008
I just absolutely loved this story. You did a great job w/the story itself and w/the characters. I am going to check out more of your work. Keep up the great job.


Selene467 chapter 10 . 8/22/2008
Love this story. Amazing how you could think of everything that happened. It was like watching a real episode. you really have some talent there.
MorganD chapter 10 . 6/4/2008
This is the most impressive Numb3rs fic I've ever read. It feels so much like an actual episode, I could see it clearly. I could even picture CharlieVision animations when he started explaining his math. And the voices were dead on.

However, I'm not sure I grasped Adrian's plot and motivation. He seemed to be aware that the FBI was there, since he made a point of jamming their communications; so then why did he make his move right there and then? How did he plan to escape? Or did he? When he shot the ceiling I got the feeling he actually wanted to get caught (which was perplexing all by itself), but then he resisted and tried to flee.

Other than that, I truly loved this story.
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