Reviews for Midnight in Tokyo
Chibi Botan chapter 1 . 12/21/2008
Aw, no need to redo it, it's very well written **watch**, though i really feel sad about Keiko :( poor yusuke...

what's he gonna do now? and just one thing, please, if keiko really is dead here (no offense meant, i'll never know what you've planned on next, uh, ok.. back to my plea) ..please, please don't make botan ferry her! that'll be cruel... i know it's silly to say this, but i'm such a fan those kinds of thing break my heart
unknown-wonder chapter 1 . 2/10/2007
that's a good start! gave me the creeps reading your detailed description of keiko's 'death'... is she really dead? and who did this? now i'm filled with so much questions and i need to read more!
ShadowMesiona chapter 1 . 2/3/2007
I liked the story and hope you will finish it (vary curious to see how it will turn out, can't wait) [on another note] I think your a vary talented writer and wish to emulate you one day.
Pensulliwen chapter 1 . 1/27/2007
Poor Keiko! I can't wait to see more of this story, though I may not sleep much afterwards. Please try to update soon _
Smexy Kitten chapter 1 . 1/27/2007
i am loving this story so far! i am very sad to hear about what happened to keiko, but i guess that its only the beginning towards a long line of sadism, lol... your plot for this fic is very intriguing. i knew that once i read the summary, i had to read this story. i can't help but to tell ya that i'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter!