Reviews for Into the Fire
WhatAmIDoingHere chapter 5 . 1/15/2018
I just don't knoiw what to say. Chapters after excellent
WhatAmIDoingHere chapter 2 . 1/14/2018
Love these Brenna stories!
aapenname chapter 8 . 4/21/2017
LOL. Poor Dean spends all of your stories beat to hell. But they are always fun reads nevertheless. Great job!
aapenname chapter 1 . 4/19/2017
Poor Dean can't get through a single story without a serious head wound. Poor guy!
iwokeuponthewrongsideoflife chapter 8 . 10/21/2016
Sinatra is the best! I finally got to read where he came from! Also, this story captured so much of the boy's relationship and it was so heart-wrenching and so beautiful all at once. Once again, love your OCs, they are awesome. And the villains were so well written! Altogether another awesome story!
iwokeuponthewrongsideoflife chapter 2 . 10/19/2016
"Dean looked at him and for a moment Sam saw his brother's heart in his eyes – raw, bleeding, barely beating. Then as he'd managed to do so many times over the last months, Dean emptied his eyes of all emotion until they were simply mirrors of green in his tense features." Such beautifully painted words!
Cimamango chapter 3 . 4/13/2016
So glad to see a balanced view of the IRA in your story. I was nervous about reading this when I read the summary because being English, but of Irish heritage, I understand the cause, but also grew up with the carnage. I missed being killed by them by 15 minutes as a child when they blew up a fast food place my family and I had just left. Will relax now & enjoy the ride- which is pretty fabulous so far, I have to say!
mckydstarlight chapter 8 . 2/5/2016
This was awesome! Dang, I love Brenna. I don't know how you do it. How do you just create a character out of thin air?
mckydstarlight chapter 6 . 2/4/2016
Dang cliffhanger! I have class in the morning!
Aurora Abbot chapter 8 . 11/14/2014
God, I love this! And I love Brenna!
gregszandles chapter 2 . 6/24/2014
I love when Brenna says "I hear too much when it's quiet." Same reason I have to have a fan on at night! ) I started reading your stories after a referral from Thru Terry's Eyes ... I'm glad she suggested them! I'm enjoying them.
somersault-j chapter 8 . 3/8/2014
Just finished this! The third story with Brenna. And I loved it, enjoyed it so much! And I like Brenna. :)
WykedOne1979 chapter 1 . 2/7/2013
loved it
Konoha's White Fang chapter 8 . 9/1/2011
Phew...I could finally breathe again. This story had me on the edge of my seat from the minute I started reading it. Very creative and efficient work was put into this fine piece of literature. Well done and I hope to read more of your work.

Take care and have a great week!

metallideangrl chapter 7 . 6/14/2011
I read this chapter last night and just had to write you this morning and tell you how much I enjoyed this chapter. I love it when the boys sit down and talk. No Dean with his walls up trying to keep Sam from knowing how he really feels.

My favorite part is of course, near the end when Dean was dying, giving up and Sam asked Brenna to help him get into Dean's mind to encourage Dean to fight to live. That whole sequence when Sam enters Dean's mind; Sam finding Dean in the dark, and the description of what Dean looked like, the hollowness, sunken eyes. Man, I loved the descriptions, I could so visualize everything that was going on in this scene. And then their conversation, Dean telling Sam about their encounter with Jack and his remembrances of the reaper and Dean's feeling of hopelessness. How Sam tried to get Dean to find himself, and getting the encouragement and understanding from his father - this was all so beautiful. Sam pointing out all the people that Dean saved and how they wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for Dean and then helping Dean remember his mission - saving people, hunting things. I doubt or wonder if this conversation would have actually taken place when they were awake. Would Dean have allowed it? Finally Dean realizing that he was born to be a hunter and Sam helping him to remember his purpose, this was awesome.

Other things I enjoyed; I loved it how Sinatra helped them in the end. I loved it first in the beginning when Dean, torn to bits physically, and how he is able to summon the strength he needs to fight against Jack and give Sam and Brenna the time they need to regroup and help him out. Dean has some admirable inner strength, just makes me love him all the more.

I have so loved this story and as you said in your notes you were sad to see this story end. As am I. I am looking forward to reading how this ends tonight. Can't wait. Thanks.
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