Reviews for Birthday for 'Bitokun
Magyka13 chapter 1 . 3/19/2016
questique chapter 1 . 3/30/2008
i can't stop laughing! poor Obito. xD
Thaiis chapter 1 . 11/25/2007
TEH CLAW. I was almost crying from laughter. Haha. Yondaime wins! XD
dgddsgg chapter 1 . 11/7/2007
-is rolling on the floor in a fit of giggles- BEST. FREAKIN'. FANFICTION! XD That made me laugh so hard! Especially the whole claw thing!
KingHasu chapter 1 . 11/6/2007
MEH LUFFS TEH CLAW! Whoa, I just realized something! (surprising, I know.)Obito acts like a current Naruto, and Yondaime, acts like on OLDER Naruto! O/.\O (Itachi Emote! XD) MEH LUFFS TEH OBITO! Kakashi is so lost... I like it! MEH your stories LUFF!
HakorTheEgyptianPharoah chapter 1 . 9/4/2007
Eldr-Fire chapter 1 . 6/20/2007
Bwa ha ha, that was hilarious! Loved it!
Diabel chapter 1 . 4/21/2007
Very funny! Although it was sad that Obito didn't get any cake... ah, well, maybe he got some when he came too. ;)

More Team Yondy fics soon, please?
Hyper Alchemist chapter 1 . 4/20/2007
great story! it was hilarious! i was wondering if you were gonna write another Sasuke/Naruto/Hinata story? i love those... i read them over and over...doncha think that if Yondy had to choose, he would make Kakashi Naruto's god-father?
Shika-kun'sKeba771 chapter 1 . 3/31/2007
AHAHAHA! That was so great! The claw! Me likey this story. Poor 'Bito-kun. Passed out and got no cake! His loss. lol. I loved the Yondaime! He was the perfect example of a grown version of the 12 year old Naruto. I loved the ending! MISSION COMPLETE! hahaha. Keep writing!

rockleefan chapter 1 . 3/6/2007
ive just read all the fics you've wrote so far about yondy and his genin team and instead of writing lots of little reviews i thought i'd write 1 big one.

firstly, wow...i mean really. not many ppl can pull off some of the stuff you've done. all the stories were great and i don't usually like more than a couple of stories from the same author (my fav was the ten sensei pranks fic).

secondly, where did you get the idea for the claw? arashi rocks! nuff said.

finally, naruto, sasuke and hinata would make a really good genin squad (and they're so cute together).

your stories gave me lotsa laughter, some sadness and plenty of O.o faces (not to mention fear from the constant threat of sais abs). i hope you do more yondy fics
Pyree chapter 1 . 2/10/2007
YAY! I knew they didn't really forget his b-day! and Anko has a cruu~uu~sh _~! Anyway, I thought that was amazingly funny ("The CLAW!") But I have to wonder...Where was the cake? Or the presents x or ice cream for that matter. Oh well Obito wouldn't have been able to eat it when he's passed out anyway XP. I loved how Kakashi was lost at the end of the chapter, I found that hilarious. Once again this was very good! Totally made my day.
CaveDwellers chapter 1 . 2/10/2007

if you were planning for the Yondaime to act like a grown-up Naruto then you totally got it

that was HALARIOUS!

omg, i can't stop laughing...

that's it, i'm totally saving this one to my favorites
The Kunai Monster chapter 1 . 2/10/2007
EH? WHAT? O_O soo confused... passing out? no food! what about a cake? they could've at least given him a cake before he passed out! TT_TT Cake...
Moogle Girl X2 chapter 1 . 2/10/2007
XD Teh Claw RETURNS!1243!

LMAO! That was hilarious! Ah, Yondy-kun, Yondy-kun. Why is it that you're only serious in battle? Not that I'm complaining! :3

Poor 'Bito-kun. He got flattened. XD

*still laughing*