Reviews for Something About Us
Guest chapter 18 . 6/12/2019
I loved thinking about yesterday's seeds. Excellent book
Write Fics chapter 21 . 8/7/2010
OMG! I want to kill that Esther! she is a big bitch...! I cant believe it. Ryan and Sharpay don't deserve it, they have to be happy, in their own world, without anybody to bother! I only hope that Ryan and Sharpay can find the money on time and deliver it to the crazy that of Esther to leave them alone.

I love the history, it's very good! :)

Good-bye :)
icekrim91 chapter 21 . 2/20/2010
omg, that was just wow...i enjoyed reading the story and it's concept...skipped on the whole making out thing...overall, it an awesome fic..keep it coming.
NicNack4U chapter 21 . 4/4/2009
OMG! You stopped THERE? YOU CAN'T! CAN'T! PLEASE continue! I love RYPAY! _
ericaj2 chapter 19 . 12/29/2008
this is a really good story... i totally love it. especially the parts about ryan and sharpay. please continue the story... i realy wanna kno how it ends. thanks a bunch.
DizzyBaby chapter 21 . 12/1/2008
Omg what an evil twist to the story! You have to update soon, I can't wait to find out whats going to happen!
tyc123 chapter 21 . 11/16/2008

Can't wait for the next chapter.
BlametheMailman chapter 21 . 11/13/2008
Holy Libyan Terrorists, you updated! hahaha

There are so many cliched lawls I could make about how they'd get the money, but I have a feeling 1) you'd laugh at me and call me gay and 2) anything you come up with be more logical than me suggesting they should whore out Gabriella for money. I did really enjoy reading more though, and you definitely make Sharpay slightly more lawl worthy (and a bit like she's gonna bust a cap at every turn)

I hope Esther gets hit by a car... fo' reals... or something Fatal Attraction like- basically she needs to be not... alive anymore hahaha

dangerkitty chapter 20 . 8/23/2008
excellent story! so glad to to see real rypay smut!
XoZashleyFan4-EvaoX chapter 17 . 7/24/2008
That Was Awesome!
socialitegirl chapter 20 . 3/29/2008
Awesome sotry, what is gonna happen to them? The only thing that annoys me about twincest sotries is that like what do they do, cos they can't have kids, go public or get married, even though they make such a great couple, and are both hot being twins n all.
XBabyDhsmlover28X chapter 20 . 3/11/2008
Lmao to the comment beneath this one. I agree she really should. and OMG please update i can't handle anymore cliff-hangers! GAH! anyways great story it's very cute and interesting and hot) Love it and keep it up please!
CeedyBaby21 chapter 20 . 1/27/2008
Esther needs to like drop dead or
godofwindovertheroyalfortress chapter 20 . 1/20/2008
OMG! you finally updated! this is probably a late review but i don't care, i promised to keep up with you from now on and show you support. :) the others were right. screw reviews. lol. you're a good writer who should just focus on her passion. we reviewers should never spoil your day. _ but i'll be a reviewer of yours anyway...

well, about the chapter, totally HOT as always lol, except for the esther part.

it's a pretty delicious problem with ryan being in the middle of the triangle between sharpay and their housekeeper. love it! _ can't wait for what's gonna happen next!

update soon!
musicpro21 chapter 20 . 1/18/2008
OMFG I love this chapter there are so much questions I laso lov this part "What? Esther is blackmailing us?" Sharpay said, standing up suddenly. "Oh fuck no! That little bitch is going to get it now! I'm coming with you, and I'm going to kick her ass!"

I was lauging so hard its so funny to watch sharpay get on her bitchy side
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