Reviews for Chocolate, Caramel and Wine
Tiger Mononoke chapter 2 . 4/20/2009
Well, originally I was pleased with your chosen pairing, however I'm a bit disappointed in Franz' characterization. I understand you were trying to depict him at his breaking point, but he wasn't really the tender guardian type lover I expected him to be, and the scene came off as a lustful drunken rape...even though you resolved it in the end, it doesn't seem "Franz-like" to force himself suddenly on Albert without him being perfectly fine with it. Even if he was drunk, I feel like he came on too strongly, and that his guard might be much higher given the circumstance. However, this is one person's view, so please don't take it too harshly.
Reinamy chapter 2 . 8/10/2008
Aww! This was soo cute! I love this anime series alot! And GOD! I cried like Hell when Franz died!

This was really adorable!
angle-dust-Anderson chapter 2 . 10/29/2007
Woot! I love the franz and albert pairing. good story too! very emotional
AkiMizu chapter 2 . 4/16/2007
Aw :) Very sweet. I liked the ending a lot!
Writing Muse chapter 1 . 3/18/2007
I love it! You should keep going with this.
Tishu chapter 1 . 2/23/2007



What to say...

AkiMizu chapter 1 . 2/22/2007
It was good! "

I liked the start more than the end though, it was alittle confusing Don't worry about it though, it was probably just me!

Good 'fic once again! (can you do a bad one? )