Reviews for I'm Fine
narsuess chapter 1 . 5/6/2009
Wow, that's really good, brought tears to my eyes...keep writing!
Random Dice chapter 1 . 4/8/2007
DuckaKellBell chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
Wow. I liked this one. It brought tears to my eyes. Do you realize how much it takes to get me to cry? That was really well written. It really did sound like Cristina was saying that! Great job!

Now let's just hope that Cristina won't have a reason for a speech like this next week!

PotatoCakes chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
Oh god...this really made me want to cry. You did a great job of channeling Cristina.
softhallelujahs chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
Oh jesus. So beautiful. So Cristina. I loved it.
shd chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
You captured Cristina's extreme discomfort in trying to explain herself/expressing and articulating her emotions-so I know you empathize with her. That is writing I truly admire. Expecting more and with dialogues!
shaneequa chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
Totally LOVE THIS!

Great job on the story and it's good that at least at meredith's dying breath or w/e it's called Cristina talked to her and admited her feelings and everything. Although it's a good story, I hope it doesn't happen in the show, you know, Meredith dying and all.

Anywyas, great job! Write more and this was such a great peak into Cristina's thoughts. The wordings and everything was totally her. Awsome job and I hope to read more from you (
TerribleKate chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
So, you know that achy pressure that you get in your chest when you're just so full of emotions that you can't even stand it? But you can't cry (not even happy tears), because crying isn't even a strong enough way to convey what you're feeling? But you feel like you should do SOMETHING, but you just can't. And you feel hopeless and small and absolutely at a loss and it kind of sucks? I saw in your profile that you're a mother, so I think you know what I'm talking about.

Well, I've got that feeling. Right now, I've got it. It started last night as I watched Meredith fade away and it's only become stronger since then. And this lovely piece (And truly, I mean it. It's beautiful) is so perfect and exactly what I think we all need to read as we prepare ourselves for next week's episode. 'Cause who even KNOWS if Mere is going to pull out of this? Sigh.

Great job. Keep at it.
prin69 chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
aw, i love this! it's so hard to find good christina fic! argh. but this is great. even though i refuse to accpet them killing her, i lvoe it
darkflames chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
beautiful )
Keline Jacquegai Chisp chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
That was good. You really captured her, though right now I'm in denial about Meredith dying, I don't really see them being able to kill her off. But good story.

~the Stranger in the moonlight~