Reviews for Walking in their shoes
RadiantBeam chapter 10 . 4/17/2008
AHAHAHA! Oh man... Ichigo stealing Isshin's PJ's... what an image. XD

I'm sorry. That just made me laugh so hard for some odd reason... Stop looking at me like that. ;;

Update soon!
XDead ShogunX chapter 10 . 4/15/2008
A thought just came to me, wouldn't the robe and Rukia's body have fallen off her when the hollow attacked?
XDead ShogunX chapter 9 . 2/4/2008
Funny, the way you want soul is similar to a freind I have on another fourm I'm with, instead he eats Kidneys.

More to the point, nice time-skip chap, Glad to see your still writing man.
MitsukaiMizuno chapter 9 . 2/3/2008
OMG a zombie! Oh, no, it's just you Typewriterman, who came back from the dead! Geez dude, what took you so long? What, life? Come on! lol

Anyways, it was really weird reading this in Ichigo version, since everyone thinks Rukia had a crush on Kaien, so I kept thinking, Ichigo and Kaien...ew...or...m...anyways...

You wrote it very well and it was interesting nonetheless! Please don't be a stranger!
XDead ShogunX chapter 8 . 1/22/2008
After reading the whole thing, awesome, but one thing I do seem to notice is that you forget to space between certain words. But still, its no problem.
RadiantBeam chapter 8 . 12/22/2007
Time skip or not, I loved reading this. Especially Rukia's bankai. Heh, we just can't keep our AU from leaking over into other stories can we?

Interesting to see Byakuya is Ichigo's brother this time around, kind of funny actually.

Update soon!
MitsukaiMizuno chapter 8 . 12/19/2007
OMG this had to be the craziest thing I have ever read! Rukia fighting Byakuya and being cocky about it? Awesomeness! You are THE man!

I was going to say uopdate soon, but you did say after the holidays...oh well, I'll wait/Merry Christmas and Happy new year!
syx chapter 8 . 12/19/2007
Wow, roles reverse. I'm going to enjoy this. Rukia bankai!
Gree chapter 7 . 10/5/2007
Very cool, I wonder what you are going to do with Byakuya and Kaien? Hisana bears a heavy reseblance to Rukia so how will he react.
MitsukaiMizuno chapter 7 . 8/12/2007
Well, It's about time you updated this! I love this story. Hey, if Ichigo is a Kuchiki, then that makes him Byayuka's brother? That's hilarious since they get so well

Please update soon
RadiantBeam chapter 7 . 8/11/2007
Personally, I'd like to see Rukia save Ichigo, but that's just me...

I like the subtle differences in Just Turned Soul Reaper!Rukia and Just Turned Soul Reaper!Ichigo, especially how the little ghost boy seemed comfortable around her. Makes the story new and fresh.

Update soon!
mango-pudding11 chapter 7 . 8/11/2007
such a great switch of characters! i love how they still tend to be just the way they truly are! though i am going to miss Rukia's acting in front of their classmates... anyways, hope you keep it up! update ASAP!
The Talentless Hack chapter 7 . 8/11/2007
Dude, I love what you're doing with this; it's not the same old crap, which is what drew me to it in the first place. Good for you. Some people just have no imagination, which sucks for them.

As for you, please keep up the excellent work.


The Hack
MitsukaiMizuno chapter 6 . 5/14/2007
Yachiru...I love her...

Anyways, this story is awesome, I'm glad you updated it! I really don't know how you manage to handle so many things at once...I'm impressed!

And Ichigo called Rukia 'baby'? That was kinda weird...but cool nontheless.

Please update soon!
angela chapter 6 . 5/13/2007
more...i need more ! 0.0
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