Reviews for Just One More Day
OrangeSunset1701 chapter 1 . 2/26/2015
This was soooooo touching and sad! Well done!
WheresDaBeef chapter 1 . 2/18/2015
Oh. My. Gosh. That was so cute and adorable, yet so sad and depressing! But marvelous all the same! That last line killed me. Heck, the whole thing killed me. Several times over, in fact. It was just perfect!
WildKrattsAnimaiacsFan chapter 1 . 2/5/2015
That's sooooooooooooo sad.
tmntfan4ever chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
Disney Syndulla chapter 1 . 10/31/2014
Wow! Take out the cussing, and bam! One happy and sappy sibling fluff story!
dracosfairmaiden chapter 1 . 8/27/2014
Hey! I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I love this.

Making it Yakko's point of view instead of third person made it more powerful. I love how you made Dot be actually sick. I know she was acting in the movie, but this is a lot more realistic. I love how much Yakko cares for his siblings even though he occasionally fights and acts sarcastic with them.

Great job!
goldengod 180 chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
a amazing look into the warners
Crystal Persian chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
0.0 wow... this was mega deep! but I LOVE the brother/sister moments between Yakko and Dot! I always had a soft spot for siblings getting along with each other!

Oh! *raises hand* Do ya take suggestions?
dullahan21 chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
This is so touching and beautiful. I like your kind-of behind-the-scenes look on what went on with Yakko and Dot while Wakko was away for a year.
Nado13579 chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
This was brilliant! The first Animaniacs fanfic I've ever read and I have a feeling it will be one of the best. It's nice to see what that year without Wakko would have been like.

I had a feeling that a more serious Animaniacs fanfic would be out of character and the darker atmosphere would seem out of place. But you've proved me wrong. This was extremely in-character, and the atmosphere is very close to the original movie, but staying serious.

I really like the fact that you made her truly sick here, instead of her just wanting plastic surgery like she did in the movie. It's great to see how much Yakko would really care for his sister if she really were ill.

You did a very interesting take on the part where Yakko tells Dot the story about their parents. I was waiting for that part to happen, it's my favourite scene in the movie and I'm so happy you decided to include it.

The writing flows very well and is very simple and easy to follow. The only thing I'd suggest is to be more careful with the grammar. But everything else is spot-on and absolutely perfect.

This story is now in my favourites, and you as an author just earned a new favourite and follow from me! _ I'll definitely be checking out your other fics!
Prats 'R' Us chapter 1 . 12/5/2011
I read this fic a long looooong time ago, can't remember why I didn't review or bookmark the fic because I loved it then and it's been on my mind recently. Hope that tells you how awesome this is considering that I remember it like years later.

It was awesome then and it's awesome now. A great read.
Animanizanny chapter 1 . 8/29/2011
"A thirty-six pound fuzzy ball of righteous indignation." I'm sorry I know this story isn't supposed to be funny but for some reason that part cracked me up. It's really a fantastic piece though. It seems just like the movie would be if they had spent more time on Yakko and Dot's point of view. Great work.
Reenie Bleenie chapter 1 . 1/4/2011
WOW AGAIN. You rock. This is just as awesome, if not more awesome, then your "Horrible World of Plot Holes And Spelling Errors." Even though there is angst and morbidity galore, you've still managed to make it funny, which in my opinion is one of the most important things when it comes to fics. Yes, it was very dark humor, but that's fine. I'm not saying I fell off my chair laughing while reading this like during your previously mentioned other story (I actually did. People stared at me.), but the tone of this story isn't supposed to make you do that (If it does, that means you need therapy).

You continue to impress me the more of your material I read. My favorite part would have to be the bit with the rabbit, though. I think it was very well thought out. I'm sure many people who read A! fics are wondering how you feed yourself in a world where animals are sentient, and you did a spectacular job of explaining it all. Plus what you added about Dot not eating if she saw the kill seemed almost obvious. I mean to say, it was so much like Dot that you think it was in the show, if you know what I mean. It seemed like you didn't add it. I mean, the story would have been less believable if Dot had offered to skin the bird herself or something.

Okay, I think I've rambled enough. A beautiful job.


-" You're just jealous because the voices only talk to ME."
quwira chapter 1 . 9/18/2010
awwww so cute! i loved it, so touching :)
avengers-assemble-x chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
Aww! That was so cute and touching(';
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