Reviews for Drive Me Crazy, Always and Forever
Crimson Elixir chapter 16 . 12/25/2015
wow! this was an amazing read and a really cute story that had so many awwwwiee moments!
pllfreak33 chapter 16 . 8/20/2015
This is an amazing story I hope there will be a sequel coming
thibbs65 chapter 16 . 4/9/2014
so awesome I loved the story I cant wait to read more of your stories.
thibbs65 chapter 5 . 4/9/2014
awesome s far l love the movie she drives me crazy too.
Anne Sullivan chapter 16 . 8/17/2013
This was PERFECT! loved it..well i'm not sure you are EVER going toread this, but you did a great job!
maddie.porter.9 chapter 16 . 1/3/2013
This is so cute. When I was trying to find a story I would just keep coming across this one so I finally decided to give it a shot and I loved it! Keep up the good writing!
Stampiej chapter 16 . 5/17/2012
Totally loved it!

It's something different and I was glad that Haley was Haley personality wise and not some bitch:)
Godschildtweety chapter 16 . 8/20/2011
amazing story
hsmrmae chapter 16 . 11/21/2010
Awasome! I loved it!
chuckandblairlove chapter 1 . 6/30/2010
I love this story. :D
maisma51 chapter 16 . 6/22/2010
Wow...that was an awesome story! Thanks for writing it :)
Naley23Paramore chapter 16 . 6/3/2010
I absolutely LOVED this story! In fact, I absolutely love every one of your stories (that's right, I've read all of them at least two times :P) I've been addicted to fanfiction for a long time now, but haven't started reviewing until now recently... And then of course I just HAD to come here to your page since you're my favorite fanfiction author ;))
love of escapism chapter 16 . 11/8/2009
loved this story so much!
AwkwardCookie23 chapter 16 . 7/20/2009
LOL I loved it! I loved that film and I love Haley and Nathan so how could I not LOL! Peyton was such a bitch LOL ! I think I am going to watch the film now! Peace
yelnatsstanley chapter 16 . 5/28/2009
Loved it...

I' so happy I found this story when it was completed, otherwise it would have drove me crazy! Thank you, I really enjoyed this :)
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