Reviews for Emergence
Nyt Yanse chapter 1 . 11/5/2010
This is a brilliantly serious look at Delenn's transformation, it was very underempahasized on the show, they only dealt with the physical traumas of her change and her emotions connected to them for teo or three episodes, the rest was all about the sociological reactions. This is a gripping read.
NHPW chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
This is fantastic. Very touching, and a good gapfiller for what was a rather vague set of events in the episode (I wondered long and hard about the gray scales, myself.) Thanks for sharing.
jrhughes chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
Excellent story.

Reading this, it was easy to envison words that you

wrote as an extention to the actual episode. I have

always wondered what type of shock and awe Delenn

must have experienced once the became the hybrid

butterfly (as it were) we all came to admire later

in the series.

I do know from many sources that the Delenn character

was given a masculine look in early episodes due to

that fact that the change undergone was to transform

that character into a male.

Boy am I glad that this didn't happen! :)

Thank you again for your effort and I hope you continue

to write in the future.

Kelmin chapter 1 . 4/19/2009
Wow, I like this a lot. I read it a couple of weeks ago, and came back to it again, and liked it even better the second time. I like Franklin's bits here - I like his character a lot, and I always thought he got short shrift in the series. I REALLY like that you gave a reason (other than the fact that Ivanova was the only other female character on the show at the time) for why Delenn would consult her about her bad hair day!

THanks for writing!
Steven Kodaly chapter 1 . 1/26/2008
I can't believe that it never occurred to me to wonder about what Delenn must have gone through after her metamorphosis. This is a superbly well thought-out piece, tying in PERFECTLY to the television show's little details, like why Delenn would consider going to Susan for help with feminine problems.
bookwormqueen chapter 1 . 10/1/2007
. . . . I wanted to write a review telling you how much I like this, but I don't have the words. Very touching.
M. A. Joslyn chapter 1 . 8/28/2007
Very well written. Keen observations on the physical differences between Humans and Minbari, particularly in the body shape, as this is less elaborated on in the show than the hair, and thus are overlooked often. Very well put together and well fitted into the storyline.

Sincerest Always, M. A. Joslyn
D chapter 1 . 3/23/2007