Reviews for Khellian: The Flesh is Weak
shamour chapter 1 . 4/28/2018
I loved the Trip/T'Pol/T'Mir interactions! Lol at the threesome thoughts! I wonder if Elena will give birth on Enterprise if they're in the middle of another adventure. The Rostov twist was interesting and quite easily solved by Isis haha:-) I loved the Hoshi development and I'm very curious about that, can she stop the connection to the ship by herself?
badkarma00 chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
Interesting. The pilot becomes the ship, and vice versa. Well written.
trish chapter 1 . 5/21/2007
first off I love your stories! you are great at writing enetrprise probably one of the best that I ahve read

can not wait for an update

please continue writing since one of your other reviews said you wanted to stop. from experiance revies don't awlaways mean diminished readers

anyway again I love your stories !
parmakai66 chapter 1 . 5/1/2007
Yeow! I'm still totally hooked on this season, although I'm a little bummed that Rostov is the terra prime freak! (loved his reaction to Gary and Iris though).
Lady Hamlet chapter 1 . 4/10/2007
Mid-terms are finally over and I get to catch up on all the stories that I missed! Great episode as always! I can't wait for Elena to finally give birth; and poor Hoshi. Update soon!
2Distracted chapter 1 . 4/3/2007
I can't answer your question via pm if you review anonymously, Kate, so I'll do it this way. I've had greatly reduced interest in Season Six by my readers, and will probably not continue it past Enterprise's upcoming return to Earth, but I do plan to at least do a wrap-up episode following the Khellian arc which will touch on what has been happening back on the home front. Thanks for your interest.
Kate chapter 1 . 4/2/2007
I've been checking for weeks for an update and I'm so glad it's here! Great job! Very interesting how Rostov bugged the ship.

Just out of curiosity, will you be touching upon what's happening on Earth with Jainie and Kov, or the Tuckers?
Stargazing BasketCase chapter 1 . 4/2/2007
Well I never. You've turned Rostov into a right little *beep* - never did think that would be possible. I always liked him before... Congratulations, you've managed to sour my perspective of him quite a bit!

I also liked Malcolm's musings on the Trip/T'Pol/T'Mir dynamic (whoa, so many ts... :S) - only Malcolm could wonder "whether Vulcans ever engaged in threesomes"; and only you could pull that off without making him sound like a lecherous perve! Proably because you've got the newly-pervified Rostov to balance it out... "Self-inflicted special effects" indeed...

I get the sneaking suspicion 'Toron' is Arrhae... Or would I be barking up completely the wrong tree? Probably. :D I like Arrhae - and T'Mir. And Arrhae/T'Mir, but you know that already.

Anyway. Last point, I promise. The last two paragraphs - Hoshi and Khellian. Absolutely brilliant descriptions, and (in my mind at least) the italics seem to add an extra...something to the impact of the last paragraph. Don't ask me what though - it's more a feeling than anything else.

Right. To bring this rambling review to a close... Damnit! The Return of the Cliffhanger!

Queen Tigeress chapter 1 . 3/31/2007
wow! that was awsome! poor hoshi! rostov is such a b**tard!i loved it so much! sorry it took so long to review, but i only just got the time to read it! i've been working so much the past 2 weeks! can't wait for more!
Lizzie-Harrison chapter 1 . 3/29/2007
To Distracted

Wow and this was brilliant. Movement on the T'T and M'H fronts. More Terra Prime. More Spy Story. This was as brilliant as you usually are. Rostov was surprising. Hoshi is getting lots of "screen"time and SFI/SFC disputes is going to blow up in someone's face, probably Archer's. Good mention of Maya. She is my Fav OC of yours. His Mom will get annoyed when she finds out than go all cutie. Are Lana and Arabella sisters or friends? No Jan or Earth in this but plenty besides. The other ship is Tolaris and Kovvy's ship isn't it. T'Leth slipped up with her comments about Malcolm. You can't move in your story without walking into spies. Best Chapter of VS6 and one of the best of the either season.

JennaTripped chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
"He found himself wondering whether Vulcans ever engaged in threesomes, and then slapped that thought right back down into the cesspool where it had originated."

OMG best line ever!