Reviews for An Earthly Child
Asilrettor chapter 4 . 4/8
Ok this sounds really cool, please write more of this.
ALEXfan0222 chapter 4 . 10/16/2018
Just wanted to say your story is really awesome and it made me smile to read such a creative crossover. Thanks for writing. If you ever think about continuing to write this story I would gladly continue reading.
Thanks ;)
Alexis O'reilly chapter 4 . 7/13/2018
This is super old but I LOVED it! Alex and The Doctor's characterisations and dynamic were awesome, and it was really well written.
SilentProwler chapter 4 . 12/30/2016
guess its too late to ask you to complete this?
Living Encyclopedia chapter 4 . 10/28/2016
Hm... surviving a machine that should have completely scrambled him, heart out of synch with itself, and now extremely low temperature... Alex is a timelord! That's so cool! I'm really curious where you would go with this concept now, but judging by how many years it's been, that's probably unlikely. :)
2008 chapter 4 . 3/19/2016
Holy hell! Why havent you written more?
This fic is something special. I practically wilted when I realized there would be no more chapters.
I enjoyed the writing style, the plot, the characters, everything. It had everything I wanted in a time traveling adventure.
I hope one day you'll pick this back up. Fingers crossed.
rainbowchameleon chapter 4 . 10/14/2015
Is this discontinued? I am really enjoying it !
I Lost my Sock chapter 3 . 9/28/2015
Every time I go back and read this story I feel like a soggy cat that got locked out the house in the rain. I can see all of the nice warm goodness of chapters 1-3, and then once I hit chapter 4, its like the sky splits and the warm house gets washed away. Doesn't help that the story's been off hiatus for 7 years...

Regardless, I must say without a doubt this is my favorite story by you. I love every little bit of it, and it always makes me so sad when I hit the end and there's nothing more. Unlike the Doctor, I'm rather fond of endings, and while this almost cliffhanger does allow me to think up my own ending, I'm pretty sure I've imagined long enough and am ready for your take on things.

I understand that you have other things to do like write your newer stories and deal with the horror that is real life, but it would tickle my fancy to high heaven if you gave us a taste of chapter 5. Even if it was just a short epilogue, I think you would put me over the moon for days...

I get that you have new things to do, but I can't help imagining how nice it would be for you to revisit some of the old,
I lost my sock...
Dreams do Matter chapter 1 . 4/1/2015
This is so awesome, I would love to see the Doctor's reaction to how Alex joined MI6. I can imagine how loudly he would object to that.
BeckstarSuperstar chapter 4 . 4/1/2015
That was excellent. (Yes, probably should've reviewed every chapter, probably better etiquette, but I just read it in one go, so I decided to review once I'd finished) I love Doctor Who and Alex Rider, but only just discovered these kind of crossovers, though the idea had occurred to me, I thought it'd be an interesting combination, the Doctor and Alex are, surprisingly, rather similar if you think about it. And this fic has definitely proved the idea right, helped of course by your excellent writing. Basically this is really good (and I know it's from years ago but I wanted to review to convey my appreciation of your fantastic fic.)
bubbles-and-books chapter 4 . 12/19/2014

Guest chapter 4 . 5/16/2014
More? I'll send you virtual cookies...
Rebel Glow chapter 4 . 3/26/2014
Brilliant idea. Lovely read. Ingenious. Loved the mention of Jack Harkness at the end.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/28/2014
Ah this is so cool! I love it! Thank you for putting up even this much!
ItstheBookworm chapter 4 . 2/22/2014
I love Doctor Who, though I'm only only season four...
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