Reviews for Pointing Out the Obvious
Yumi Hinasaki chapter 3 . 9/16/2011
hahaha I laughed when Hisoka burst into hysterics and Tsuzuki being completely bewildered at it
LadyGhai chapter 3 . 4/1/2011
is that the ending?
Happiness's Deceit chapter 3 . 5/4/2008
Wow. Totally not what I was expecting. I loved this line:

“That's about two men,” Tsuzuki said blankly, looking at the mortified boy at the end of the loveseat. “I bought you a yaoi themed romance novel.”

XD Poor Tsuzuki. But, wait, Hisoka was reading that? XD

Nice. Definite fav.
Raimuboy chapter 3 . 11/15/2007
This is soo cute! XDD
Ahria chapter 3 . 9/27/2007
LOL! Ah, this was such a cute story. Good job!
Ahria chapter 2 . 9/27/2007
That last part was really sweet. I love how Tatsumi thinks that's the only explanation for Tsuzuki to want to do work, lol.
Ahria chapter 1 . 9/27/2007
“Well, you're unreasonably hot for eighty,” That is, without a doubt, the best line ever. _ I liked the whole conversation with Watari, actually.
SKIN READY chapter 3 . 9/22/2007
That was amazing!

I loved the WHOLE THING!

Poor Terazuma... He must be feeling pretty "WTF!" at the end...!
SKIN READY chapter 1 . 9/22/2007
"Unreasonably hot for eighty" That's a great line!

(Although... isn't Tsuzuki like... in his ninties...?)

Oh, well!

This is great anywayz, so...!
Erika Darkmoon chapter 3 . 9/13/2007
aw, that's was so cute...
joarne chapter 1 . 8/30/2007
i like your story! even though i read alot a angst i like this fluffy one thank you for writing it!
CreativeChilde chapter 3 . 8/3/2007
Aw! so cute!

i lub it! *huggs computer* hahahalol
Ceara chapter 3 . 7/29/2007
That was a really great fanfic. I really enjoyed it! Especially the part where Tsuzuki wondered how to tell Tatsumi that he broke his partner. Great job! Definitely keep it up!
midorii813 chapter 3 . 6/3/2007
WATARI'S DRUNK! AHAHAHA! -dies of laughter- I love Watari-he's so cute!

Yay! Terazuma made an appearance! Haha, it would be cute of Terazuma-chan had a cat.

Oh my, Tsuzuki bought Hisoka a yaoi novel! (Even though it was an accident P)

That was a great way to end the story! I had a blast reading it! Now, I will read your Gravitation fanfics! xD
midorii813 chapter 2 . 6/3/2007
Awws, another present! Hahaha, Tsuzuki asking to do work surprised me as much as it surprised Tatsumi!

And that gift from the count last year- hahahaha! That was hilarious!
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