Reviews for Confiscated
LvSammy chapter 1 . 4/24
This was amazing! I love The Sentinel and it makes me think I should post my fics on FanFic as well. I loved this and it was very well done! Bravo!
Katescats chapter 1 . 8/5/2019
Hi that was a very good story.
momocolady chapter 1 . 4/27/2018
good story
crystalwolf78 chapter 1 . 3/26/2016
o wow Loved the story nice to see Blair get a proper shaman education and him and Jim finally more in tuned to each others needs and understanding
smiles2go chapter 1 . 11/19/2015
Nice. I like a good, strong Blair and finally, finally someone stopped Jim from treating him so shitty.
Earthspark chapter 1 . 7/29/2015
That was incredible. I love the way you show how misunderstandings can start off relatively small but start an avalanche that blocks people from each other. You have beautiful detail on the interactions between people in groups within the Chopec and MC. You took me on a journey I enjoyed every step of the way. Thank you for writing! _
Stacey chapter 1 . 3/10/2014
OMG! I love this fic. I had tears. You should so have a tissue alert at the start of this thing. I could totally see all the misunderstandings happening, and the angst. Very good story.
sisturnickyahoo chapter 1 . 8/10/2013
Love both of your Sentinel stories.. Very well written and I could not stop reading them.. I hope this finds you still writing and posting stories! Thanks, Sterno..
Little Draca chapter 1 . 10/19/2011
Really like this story. Its nice to see the relationship between the tribe, the shaman, and the sentinel explored. double kudos.
snchills chapter 1 . 9/4/2011
I was satisfying the need for some Sentinel this weekend by watching Season 1 eppies when I decided to see what kinds of fan fics were out there. Stopped on yours and I'm very glad I did. I hated how they were towards the end because I wanted them to be friends forever. I'm glad you continued past the last episode and did it in such a wonderful way. Thanks for sharing.
sentarla chapter 1 . 3/6/2010
wow, this was a fantastic story. I loved the fact that yes, blair can be saved from jim ( as we all know it was getting nasty by the end) and that jim could be saved as well. thanks for the jungle hit :-)
Barbie215 chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
Wow, very, very impressive!
mifurita chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
That was great! Detailed, emotional.. I could have done with more hair sniffing and melting.. but really happy with this!
Bright1 chapter 1 . 8/5/2007
Very nice. It's good to see Blair get a little appriciation! I really liked this story. I loved all of the Chopec, and thought it was so sweet how they made Blair one of their family. This was a very unique story and very well written. Thanks so much for sharing it!
bardicfaerie chapter 1 . 7/23/2007
I have been crying throughout this story! It is so powerful and quite in keeping with how I feel Blair would handle the fallout of The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg! This is so well done!
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