Reviews for What If?
Mckenray chapter 36 . 7/18
God I love this series and hope you do more.
Kabob003 chapter 21 . 6/30
There is a phrase that has welled up from the depths of my Soul after reading this chapter. That phrase is only two simple words...

Dark Archer chapter 20 . 6/14
I love this story thread so much
Lena.MK chapter 17 . 6/1
The South Park references killed me
Guest chapter 29 . 5/14
Oh oh god... this dimension is hell
Aselo chapter 4 . 4/23
Ugh the log...traumatic flashbacks to team building
Sweet Little Hufflepuff chapter 36 . 2/10
Every time I read one of your "Anko-sensei" bits I cry laughing. Seeing Anno happy as a sensei and Kakashi crying because of his students is one of the best things ever! I can't wait to see the look on the hokage's face when he realizes what's going on. Please write more, I love your sense of humor.
Enforcer209 chapter 36 . 1/16
This is probably the best collection of one-shots I’ve read in a long time
Cyril Kain chapter 8 . 1/10
...Anyone else seeing flashes of that super muscle guy who kept summoning Issei to turn him into a magical girl, while wearing a middle school uniform, complete with panties that were, unfortunately, always visible?
Cyril Kain chapter 6 . 1/6
After reviewing the entire series, it came to my attention that the ONLY true teacher among the jonin was Guy. Kakashi was the absolute worst and barely worthy of being called a teacher for obvious reasons, Asuma comes in next since all he did was teamwork exercises or play shogi with Shikamaru, Kurenai coddled Hinata and seemed to leave Kiba and Shino to do their own thing. If anything, the others barely qualify as babysitters, all the power that everyone from teams seven, eight and ten show is from their own studies and training, having almost nothing to do with their teachers.
Reader chapter 5 . 1/6
Is Hinata a dimensional doppleganger to Luna Lovegood?
Reader chapter 4 . 1/6
The reasons most people go with eye based bloodlines is because of three things. One, they are the most explained. Two, most of the other bloodlines are stupid, useless, impractical or so centralized that they hinder Naruto more than anything else. And three, all dojutsu let the user see chakra, which drastically improves Naruto's abilities since his biggest problems are hiding and finding those who are hiding.
Reader chapter 3 . 1/6
Remained in the village... I think the phrase you are looking for is 'survived his experiments.'
jcampbellohten chapter 36 . 12/20/2019
I think the Accidental Instructor line and this one are my favorites. Wait, no. In order: this one, the line with Kenji and Kei, and the Accidental Instructors line are my favorites.
jcampbellohten chapter 4 . 12/17/2019
"Learn civilian trade skills so you can take infiltration missions." "You pass the test is they never know you're there." This is the kind of sneaky ninja stuff I'd like to see a whole story built around.
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