Reviews for Waise Heill!
Matt chapter 8 . 10/23/2012
Im confused isn't vreal supposed to be an elf with umaroth
Capt. Jack Harkness chapter 23 . 1/31/2009
WoW!I Loved this story! I like how you go about the Dragon Riders before the fall, and how you interwork Oromis and Vrael. Please update soon!
Sylvia12 chapter 23 . 11/26/2008
This is a great story! It had a really satisfactory ending as well... even though I have unanswered questions, I know in my heart how they will ultimately turn out, so I still get a sense of closure...
DreamsWhisper chapter 23 . 6/1/2008
I really really really love ur story! please please continue, does Maryla end up liking living there and what happens between Andean and Silme? and what does the other elf do when Andean doesnt want to marry her anymore?
EragonPeep chapter 23 . 11/15/2007

Keep up the good work!

Unimaginable Possibilities chapter 23 . 11/12/2007
How does Andean *know* that Caedmon's egg was left on purpose?

It's interesting that the elves would agree to let Maryla live in Ilirea. Will she get to have her own little house? or will she have to share a room in Vrael's? I wonder which one you'll choose.

Good chapter! Update! _

One thing that bothers me is the whole 'elven marriage' thing you've got going on. Elves don't believe in marriage according to Eldest. They take mates and can choose to keep him/her forever or for a day.
AdriaDara chapter 22 . 11/11/2007
How is it possible for such a great story to get so few reviews? I LOVE it! Please update soon!
EragonPeep chapter 10 . 11/7/2007
This is a great story and it is very refreshing from all of the ones that go along with the book.

Keep up the good work!

Unimaginable Possibilities chapter 22 . 11/4/2007
Yea! An update! And another good chapter! I'm glad to see that you haven't given up on your story.

Keep up the good writing! _
Unimaginable Possibilities chapter 21 . 11/4/2007
I've just read your entire story, or rather, what's out so far, and was greatly disappointed when I found out that you haven't updated since mid-August. Surely you haven't given up on this impressive and overall fabulous story? I'd be greatly disheartened to find out that you have, so please update!

Although, I do understand if the reason for this story's two and a half month hiatus is homework. I know how stressful and overwhelming it can be, believe me. I just hope that whenever finals are over, you don't forget about this story and have every intention in finishing it. ;)

Hope to see an update soon! _
bballqueen15 chapter 21 . 8/19/2007
I really love your story. please continue adding chapters as much as possible, although, i know it will be hard with school starting. I am going into my sophmore year in high school and don't think i will be able to post much either. keep up the good work though. :)
WildIceDragon chapter 21 . 8/11/2007
Wonderful chapter as always! Can't wait until the next chapter. The meeting went rather smoothly, not choppy like some writers have when their character meets another. Okay, I gave you a review. Where's my stone? I want a dragon and a scar! LOL!
WildIceDragon chapter 20 . 8/9/2007
YAY! Another couple of chapters I haven't read. I can't wait to read the next one! Update quickly please!
JustMyLuck chapter 20 . 8/9/2007
I love the story! I like how it takes place in the golden years of the riders. I always love those stories the most. I can't wait for the next chapter )

Don't keep me waiting!

As Ever,

reignlief chapter 17 . 8/8/2007
i like the story so far plz post next cahpter soon :)
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