Reviews for Kill Me, Kiss Me: A YukixKyo Story
nekochi energetic cat chapter 4 . 4/20/2011
ryuchi-shuichi41 chapter 4 . 4/29/2007
no, no, NO! you can't just leave it here! onegai, I'm begging you. please update!
princess-cutiepie-89 chapter 4 . 4/19/2007
OMG! Its really good and i enjoyed it thoroghly. I cannot wait for u to update.
Assarishita chapter 4 . 4/18/2007
I really like it!
mousecat chapter 4 . 4/18/2007
This is such a great story! The best chapt. yet! Kyo has so much passion under that thick skin of his, and Yuki may try to be tough but we all know the truth, that he just wants someone to love him, preferably a certain orange cat! Haru, as always, is so cool!
funngurl chapter 4 . 4/17/2007
OMG! All I can say is U-P-D-A-T-E UPDATE! I'm interested, so update soon! _ XD :D ;D